Kate Middleton and Cate Blanchett show fashion tricks

by Xavier Catherine
Kate Middleton and Cate Blanchett show fashion tricks

Kate Middleton and Cate Blanchett show fashion tricks
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Kate Middleton and Cate Blanchett's versatile style has been catching the attention of fashion lovers around the world. This is because the two celebrities are figures known for their elegance in public appearances. Obviously that's not the only reason, the princess and the actress are masters at repeating some pieces on different occasions, but without looking like they're wearing the same look again.

In addition to the similarity in their names, the two celebrities share very interesting fashion tricks for those who are afraid to change their wardrobe style. Just follow the references, and you will also be able to use your clothes in different ways on different occasions.

New combinations

According to style consultant, Marcela Faury, in an interview with L'Officiel Brasil magazine, the first step is to have a versatile wardrobe. And this wardrobe doesn't need to have a huge amount of clothes, the secret is to have key pieces that will allow for different combinations, bringing significant advantages when getting dressed.

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Kate Middleton at Bafta 2019 (Photo: reproduction/Samir Hussein/Getty Images Embed)

The Princess of Wales, for example, often repeats looks, but with a completely new combination. At an edition of the British Academy Film Awards (Bafta), Kate caught attention by wearing an already familiar dress, but with new details and accessories that completely transformed the production.

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Kate Middleton at Bafta 2023 (Photo: reproduction/Chris Jackson/Getty Images Embed)

Same piece, different style

Cate Blanchett, during Paris Fashion Week, in February 2024, reused an outfit previously worn on the Oscars red carpet.

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Cate Blanchett at the 2023 Oscars (Photo: reproduction/John Shearer/Getty Images Embed)

The piece, a blue velvet blouse, was combined differently, now with pants and shoes instead of a skirt. This shows how celebrities are reinventing themselves and using their creativity when creating new looks that will inspire many people out there.

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Cate Blanchett at Paris Fashion Week 2024 (Photo: reproduction/Edward Berthelot/Getty Images Embed)

The two celebrities show how it is possible to have a striking and elegant style without the need to have a wardrobe full of pieces, but rather with versatile items accompanied by the right creativity to combine them in different ways on different occasions.

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Featured photo: on the left Kate Middleton at Bafta 2023 and on the right Cate Blanchett at the Oscar 2023 (reproduction/Chris Jackson/Getty Images Embed/John Shearer/Getty Images Embed)

Kate Middleton and Cate Blanchett show fashion tricks

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Kate Middleton and Cate Blanchett show fashion tricks

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