Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 average insurance price

by Xavier Catherine
Kawasaki Ninja ZX 10 average insurance price

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 average insurance price
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Knowing the average price of Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 insurance is one way to confirm that your quote is a good value. See what people are paying and how to get a good offer.

The Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 is a super sports bike aimed at speed lovers.

It has a powerful engine that has 200 hp and 13,000 rpm and electrical monitoring that helps the driver to drive better.

Visually, it is imposing with elongated headlights incorporated with LED turn signals and its mechanics are on display.

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 average insurance price
Image: Ninja

Table of Contents

Advantages and disadvantages of the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10

This is a motorcycle that has attractions and some features that are not so pleasing. See what experts say about these two sides.

Advantages of the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10

  • Low level of vibration
  • Electronic control for 3 actuation levels
  • Adjustable pedals

Disadvantages of the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10

  • Uncomfortable riding posture
  • Not very sporty tires

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 average insurance price

The average price of insurance for the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 is R$3,700.00. But this value should only serve as a basis for those who need information about values.

As insurance has different values ​​from one person to another, your friend's quote will not always work for you.

This happens because insurers carry out risk analysis to check the chances of the car suffering an accident. Therefore, if they are high, then the insurance value will be high.

This check involves the drivers' driving habits and other factors such as the vehicle's theft rate, place of residence for which purpose the car is used and others.

To better understand this fluctuation in values, see some examples that we have separated.

What is the average price of insurance for the 2020 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10?

The average price of insurance for the 2020 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 is R$5,200.00. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2020 Male, 36 years old São Paulo BRL 5,255.55
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2020 Male, 55 years old Paraná R$ 3,969.02
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2020 Male, 35 years old Santa Catarina R$ 6,256.64

What is the average insurance price for the 2019 Ninja ZX-10?

The average insurance value for the 2019 Ninja ZX-10 is R$3,000.00. Check out the car insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10R Se 1000Cc 2019 Male, 37 years old Rio de Janeiro BRL 4,115.85
Ninja Zx-10R Se 1000Cc2 2019 Male, 52 years old Paraná R$ 2,030.71

How much does insurance cost Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 2018?

The price of insurance Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 2018 is R$5,000.00, on average. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2018 Female, 32 years old Paraná BRL 4,303.22
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2018 Male, 47 years old Rio Grande do Sul R$ 6,662.86

How much does 2017 Ninja ZX-10 insurance cost?

The price of Ninja ZX-10 2017 insurance is R$2,831.86, on average. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2017 Female, 57 years old São Paulo R$ 2,937.36
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2017 Male, 38 years old Santa Catarina BRL 2,601.31
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2017 Male, 46 years old Paraná R$ 2,831.86

How much does Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 2015 insurance cost?

The value of Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 2015 insurance is R$2,972.04, on average. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2015 Female, 33 years old Federal District R$ 2,738.38
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2015 Male, 53 years old Bahia BRL 2,972.04
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2015 Male, 42 years old Paraná BRL 5,768.93

What is the price of insurance for the 2014 Ninja ZX-10?

The price of Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 2014 insurance is R$5,866.31, on average. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2014 Female, 32 years old São Paulo R$ 3,444.28
Ninja Zx 10R 1000Cc 2014 Male, 48 years old Mato Grosso BRL 5,866.31
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2014 Male, 60 years old Paraná R$ 6,032.40

What is the average price of 2013 Ninja ZX-10 insurance?

The average price of insurance for the 2013 Ninja ZX-10 is R$3,537.42. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2013 Female, 41 years old Minas Gerais BRL 2,077.92
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. Male, 45 years old Paraná

BRL 3,537.42
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2013 Male, 38 years old Mato Grosso R$ 4,043.03

What is the average insurance value for the 2012 Ninja ZX-10?

The average value of Ninja ZX-10 2012 insurance is R$2,845.81. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2012 Female, 57 years old São Paulo R$ 2,845.81
Ninja Zx 10R 1000Cc Nac 2012 Feminine64 years old Rio de Janeiro BRL 2,669.56
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2012 Male, 18 years old Paraná R$ 3,042.63

What is the average price of insurance Ninja ZX-10 2011?

The average price of insurance for the 2011 Ninja ZX-10 is R$3,300.00. Check out the motorcycle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2011 Female, 38 years old São Paulo BRL 3,377.53

What is the average price of insurance Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 2010?

The price of insurance for the 2010 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 is R$2,400.00. Check out the vehicle insurance price list!

Model Driver profile Location Price
Ninja Zx-10/ Zx-10R 1000Cc/30Th Anniversary. 2010 Male, 37 years old São Paulo BRL 2,469.59

*Source: MeuSeguroNovo. Consultation carried out in May/2020.

How to quote the price of insurance for the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10?

Now that you know each insurance is unique, you need to quote yours to know how much you will pay.

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One way to do this without wasting time is online, using specialized insurance websites.

They have a quote form that needs to be filled out and after submitting the data you will receive proposals that match your profile.

Quote the price of your Auto Insurance now!

A best quotewith best brokersby the best prices.

A tip to get a good value is to fill out the form carefully, including only the coverage you will need and then calmly analyze the proposals you received.

Now you know how to get your proposal. Take the opportunity to get your quote and no longer rely on the average price of Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 insurance.

*Published on: 08/29/2018 and updated on 05/12/2020.

*Afrilatest is not responsible for the values ​​mentioned here, as the price of insurance may vary depending on the profile of each driver.

Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 average insurance price

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Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 average insurance price


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Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10 average insurance price

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