Kim Petras + Nicki Minaj new single!
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German singer and songwriter Kim Petras released, this Monday (17), the artwork for her new single, titled “Alone“. The song will be a partnership with rapper Trinidadian Nicki Minaj, which is now available for pre-save and is scheduled to be released on all digital platforms on April 21, Friday.
Since March, the singer has been promoting the new song on her official account on the app TikTokproducing several videos with excerpts from single. With an aesthetic barbiecore, the voice of Heart to Break showed fans what they can expect from the artist's new era.
Alone with @NICKIMINAJ out Friday
— kim petras (@kimpetras) April 17, 2023
Kim Petras releases “Alone” on Twitter. (Reproduction/@kimpetras/Twitter)
THE single still caught the attention of internet users by using the sample of Better Off Alonefrom the Dutch group Alice DeeJay. Released in 1999, the song reached 27th position on the Billboard Hot 100list made by the American magazine Billboard of the 100 most listened to songs during a specific week.
It's not the first time that the single is used as a sample. In 2008, the instrumental part of Better Off Alone was used by rapper Wiz Khalifa in his song “Say Yeah“, which reached number 11 on the American charts. Other well-known artists in the industry also used the Dutch group's song as samplelike David Guetta. In 2013, the French DJ used the song's main melody in single “Play Hard“, a partnership with singers Ne-Yo and Akon. The hit reached number 64 on the American charts.
Actress Lindsay Lohan also used the song as a sample in “Xanax”, music released by the eternal protagonist of the film Freaky Friday (2003) on his IGTV Instagram official. The single was a gift to Lohan fans who had waited for years for the actress to invest in the return of her music career. Known for starring in several films of the DisneyLindsay released two albums in 2004 and 2005, titled “Speak” and “A Little More Personal (Raw)“.
Featured photo: Kim Petras and Nicki Minaj. Reproduction/Disclosure
Kim Petras + Nicki Minaj new single!
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Kim Petras + Nicki Minaj new single!