Kings of Leon replaces Paramore on Lollapalooza lineup
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The Lollapalooza Brasil event announced this Thursday (18), that the new band that will replace Paramore on Saturday, March 23, will be the American band Kings of Leon. The announcement of the new headliner came after Lolla's own organization informed that Paramore canceled their participation in the event.
This is the sixth time that an American band will perform on Brazilian soil. The quartet's first time in Brazil was in 2005, when they played at the Tim Festival event, in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. In 2010, the group returned to the country to participate in SWU, in Itu, in the interior of São Paulo. In 2012, the band returned to participate in the Planeta Terra Festival, which took place in São Paulo.
Kings of Leon is the new attraction at Lollapalooza 2024 (Photo: reproduction/G1)
In 2014, the group was once again present in Brazil by being part of the Circuito Banco do Brasil, also in São Paulo. At Lollapalooza, the band performed, for the first time, in 2019.
The band is made up of brothers Caleb Followiil (guitar and vocals), Jared Followiil (bass), Nathan Followill (drums) and cousin Matthew Followill (guitar).
Paramore cancels Lollapalooza and other major events
This was not the first event that the band Paramore canceled. Two weeks ago, the trio formed by Hayley Williams (vocals), Zac Farro (Drums) and Taylor York (guitar) announced the cancellation of their show at the iHeartRadio ALTer EGO festival, which was scheduled for January 13th, in Los Angeles.
Furthermore, the band also archived the content on social media and left it without any photos.
Cover of the band's latest album “This Is Why”, released in 2023 (Photo: reproduction/Diário de Pernambuco)
Even so, the band, this Thursday (18), spoke out on social media about the cancellation of Lollapalooza, stating that it was for personal reasons, without giving much detail.
According to the tabloid The Sun, the band had a disagreement with their former record company, and since then, the group has been trying to break the contract and re-record the albums so they can have the right to their own songs.
The Lollapalooza festival reported this Thursday about the band's cancellation.
Refund of ticket value
For those who purchased Lolla Day, Lolla Comfort Day and Lolla Lounge Day tickets just to see Paramore on Saturday, you can request a refund. Ticket holders will be able to place their order on January 19th and 28th.
Featured photo: band Kings of Leon (Reproduction/The Spirit Business)
Kings of Leon replaces Paramore on Lollapalooza lineup
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Kings of Leon replaces Paramore on Lollapalooza lineup