Lady Gaga starts Chromatica Ball Tour in Germany and sells out Merkur Spiel-Arena
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Lady Gaga's long-awaited tour officially began last Sunday (17), in Düsseldorf, Germany, bringing together her biggest career hits with her songs from the album 'Chromatica' to start the tour that still has a lot to deliver.
The Chromatica Ball Tour was expected for 2020 in the summer, but with the pandemic growing at the time, it was postponed until now, but the wait was worth it for the 60 thousand fans present and the setlist was one of the elements that pleased them most, in addition of course, the atmosphere set up with a central stage, inspired by modern brutalist architecture, as he described in his Instagram post shortly after the show.
Lady Gaga after the first show of her 'Chromatica Ball Tour'. (Reproduction/Instagram)
Hits sung by Gaga included tracks from her 2008 debut album 'The Fame' such as 'Just Dance', 'LoveGame' and 'Poker Face', the tracks 'Bad Romance', 'Monster' and 'Telephone' from the album 2009's 'The Fame Monster', the 2011 hit 'Born This Way' and 'The Edge Of Glory'.
From the 2020 album 'Chromatica', special songs were selected for the stage performance, such as: 'Alice', 'Replay', '911', 'Sour Candy', 'Babylon', 'Free Woman', 'Enigma', ' Stupid Love' and 'Rain On Me', in addition to the singer presenting her collaborations, such as 'Shallow' and 'Always Remember Us This Way' from the film 'A Star Is Born' and her song 'Hold My Hand' for the film 'Top Gun: Maverick'.
Lady Gaga shows on 'Chromatica Ball Summer Stadium Tour'. (Photo: Reproduction/
Lady Gaga will also visit 17 more locations for her tour, ending the act on September 14, with visits to Stockholm, Paris, Arnhem, London, Toronto, Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Boston, Dallas, Atlanta, Hershey, Tokyo , San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston and finishing in Miami to see fans from everywhere during this great moment and give the audience a taste of his biggest hits with his powerful and emotional vocals live and in color every day of show.
Featured Photo: Lady Gaga for HausLabs. Reproduction/DomenVandevelde
Lady Gaga starts Chromatica Ball Tour in Germany and sells out Merkur Spiel-Arena
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Lady Gaga starts Chromatica Ball Tour in Germany and sells out Merkur Spiel-Arena