The five languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship

by Clare Dominic
languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship
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languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship – Did you think love was a universal language? You’ve got it all wrong! Well, not quite… Let’s say that beyond Love with a big A, there are plenty of different ways to love, and just as many ways to show that we love. This can create some communication problems, and decryption within a couple if the two partners have different languages of love. So, to enlighten you a little on the question, Afrilatest helps you to decipher the five languages of love, directly from the book by Gary Chapman, marriage counselor and American author, “The 5 languages of love”.


Five languages for the same language!

If you are, or have already lived as a couple, you have probably noticed that at times, the attitude of your partner seemed very strange! Did you find yourself hurt by the lack of a show of love on his part, or frustrated by the virtual absence of return that yours may have generated? This is, according to Gary Chapman, because we do not all have the same way of communicating our love! (languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship)

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And that therefore, we are sometimes not able to decipher the language of the other. And vice versa! We are, in fact, alternately deaf and blind. And this, at all levels! Friendly, conjugal, family…

In order to better decode the language of others, and therefore, to better give and receive their love, it is important to know these different languages, with the numbers of 5:

  • The rewarding words
  • Physical touch
  • Quality moments
  • Gifts
  • Services rendered

languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship

We all know them, we are all able to use and understand these languages, but in more or less obvious ways. Some will seem much more intuitive and easily decryptable than others. The whole thing is to understand what our own language is and what our partner’s language is in order to be able to understand each other as well as possible.

The Five Languages of Love

1/ The rewarding words

People who are sensitive to this language will favor words over anything else! By SMS, phone, or face to face, they will be communicating, encourage their loved ones, compliment them, declare and verbally redeclare their flame!

What to do with someone who is sensitive to it: tell him or write him words of love, give him compliments (sincere!), encourage him clearly.

What not to do: Talk to him in a sudden, hurtful way, criticize him harshly directly, do not communicate your love to him verbally.

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2/ Physical touch (languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship)

In this category, we find the people most sensitive to the marks of physical affection. They will be very easily tactile with the people they love. But they will never plan to live a platonic love!

What to do with someone who is sensitive to it: caresses, hugs, reunions under the duvet regularly, real physical intimacy.

What not to do: condemn them to forced abstinence, be physically violent, be too modest, distant and closed to tactile demonstrations.

3/ Quality moments

For people who are sensitive to it, love first passes through proximity and frequent and regular exchanges! They have this desire and need to spend time in the company of the people they love. They will hardly understand the need for distance, for freedom.

What to do with someone who is sensitive to it: give him/her time, just you and he/she, share moments of complicity, see you regularly in an intimate setting.

What not to do: make the death over a more or less long period, favor outings in large groups to the detriment of those more intimate, not be attentive to the other during your moments of complicity.

4/ Gifts (languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship)

People who are sensitive to this language are more open to material demonstrations of your love and theirs. Be careful, these gifts do not necessarily have to be expensive, ! But it is important for them to have physical presents to materialize their love as well as yours.

What to do with someone who is sensitive to it: gifts, but personalized, that correspond to them, offered without any particular reason, or at major events.

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What not to do: arrive empty-handed at birthdays and parties, offer a banal/empty/unrecovered gift, criticize people’s materialism.

5/ Services rendered

People sensitive to this language need to show and receive their love through deeds. Making a concrete effort for the other is a beautiful mark of love for them. In return, they will demand from you gestures of help that they legitimately consider reciprocal.

What to do with someone who is sensitive to it: help and support the other in everyday tasks, give service for free. (languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship)

Thisis not to be done: never notice or thank the efforts made by the person, or even come to assist him in his daily tasks.

Take the test to know your love language!

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languages of love for a balanced romantic relationship

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