Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes to court today, but not about abuse

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes to court

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes to court – The Court of Amsterdam is today the battleground of Jaimie Vaes and Lil Kleine. The rapper and the influencer broke off their relationship at the beginning of this year after images surfaced showing how he abused her. But that mistreatment is not the reason they meet in court.

The end of a relationship often also means dividing up things and responsibilities. Who gets what and how is the custody of any children arranged? On Monday, the judge will be involved in this division, because Vaes and Lil Kleine did not come out of it themselves.

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes to court today

The influencer has taken her ex, who is actually called Jorik Scholten, to court in the hope of getting clarity about the distribution of the things they bought together at the time of their relationship. That took a while: the former couple first tried to bring it to a successful conclusion in writing through their lawyers, but that did not succeed.

Vaes filed the lawsuit. In her reality series Jaimie: In The Vaes Lane, it was already clear that the ex-lovers were arguing about expensive watches that the rapper has given her and their son Lío as a gift. Scholten bought the exclusive clocks in the time that they were still together.

Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes

After the break-up of the relationship, Scholten had the watches confiscated, which led to anger among his ex. According to the rapper, he had never donated the jewelry to her, Vaes claims the opposite. In her reality series she said: “If he gave something, it had to be filmed from every angle because Jorik was so good for his wife. And now an email says in black and white that that’s just not true.”

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The Public Prosecution Service (OM) told Us on Friday that the investigation into Scholten with regard to the abuse has not yet been completed. The incident is now nine months ago, but the Public Prosecution Service does not make any statements about the reason why the investigation takes so long. Vaes has filed a complaint against her ex.

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Lil Kleine and Jaimie Vaes to court

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