Lucas Lucco: Unreleased Tracks from Project 777 Finally Released!

by Clare Dominic
Lucas Lucco: Unreleased Tracks from Project 777 Finally Released!

Lucas Lucco: Unreleased Tracks from Project 777 Finally Released!
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With about 20 million of plays in seven videos already released from “777”, his most recent work, Lucas Lucco celebrates the success of the audiovisual and reveals more of his talent and versatility in the third compilation of the project, which hits audio platforms at midnight this Friday (31). Featuring three more tracks that promise to enchant the public and make them go through different feelings in each of them, the EP. 3 also features the focus track “Ends No”, whose music video hits YouTube at 12pm on Friday.

The composition by Adryel, Riquinho da Rima and Lucas Ruivo tells the story of a relationship that, like all others, goes through its ups and downs, mistakes and successes and remembers: “That no friction is a reason to let go/ It's normal to fight”. The compilation also includes the songs “Example” and “Now I'm a Cachaceiro”.

“I am very happy with what we have achieved so far and I believe we can go much further”account Luke.“This project represents a lot to me as an artist and as a person, and I hope you enjoy each track.”

With the release of EP 3, there are still 5 other tracks left, which are scheduled for release in May and come to conclude the project “777” with a golden key. Representing Lucas's lucky number, the number 7 also refers to casinos and card games. Symbolically, the audiovisual was recorded on the 7th of September – and is seen by the singer as a good omen for the new phase of his life, in which he also debuts in his acting career in the feature film “Rodeio Rock”, in which he stars with Carla Diaz.

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777” has general direction by Rafael Terra, video direction by Will Santos (Terra Studios), executive production by Paulo Roberto Oliveira, musical production by Willi Baldo and Lourival Marques. With 15 tracks and special appearances by Murilo Huff, DJ Chris on Beat, Hungary and João Marcos & Danilothe project was recorded in Goiânia/GO.

Featured Photo: Reproduction

Lucas Lucco: Unreleased Tracks from Project 777 Finally Released!

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Lucas Lucco: Unreleased Tracks from Project 777 Finally Released!

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