Madonna confirms tribute to Cazuza at concert in Rio
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After rumors, the news was confirmed that Madonna will pay tribute to Cazuza, a great name in Brazilian music who was affected by AIDS. The singer, on her tour, usually makes honorable mentions of HIV victims in the song “Live to tell”, so the show that ends her tour would be no different.
In addition to Cazuza, we will also have other names of great expression in Brazilian culture such as Hebert de Souza, better known as Betinho, a Brazilian activist and sociologist with extensive work in the fight against hunger in Brazil. The other will be Renato Russo, singer of the band Legião Urbana, which had great success in Brazil between the 80s and 90s. All of them, like Cazuza, died as a result of the HIV virus.
Giant stage on Copacabana beach promises good surprises for the public (Source: Reproduction/Instagram @madonna)
The pyrotechnic arts and images on the screen aim to thrill the general public due to its beautiful structure. In addition to Cazuza, the artist has also paid tribute to other great names in music during her tour such as Freddie Mercury, for example, who also passed away as a result of complications caused by the HIV virus.
Madonna's support for the LGBTQIA+ cause
During her career, Madonna supported the LGBTQIA+ cause through campaigns, music and other artistic expressions. Furthermore, the singer promotes financial support for scientific campaigns that work towards a cure for AIDS. Therefore, the singer has a significant number of fans who belong to the cause and identify with the artist for her support of the community and song lyrics that extol freedom and respect.
Crowd in front of Copacabana Palace
Despite having only made an appearance at the hotel window, a crowd waited for any new sign of the singer at the window. In addition to being curious, many fans were waiting for her with posters expressing their love for Madonna. The light tests on the stage began and caught the attention of those on the beach this past Wednesday (01), on a national Labor Day holiday. The singer's team is working tirelessly to make sure everything goes smoothly next Saturday (04), as the lights will be part of every detail present in the show.
Featured Photo: Madonna in a costume with blue feathers and extravagant silver stones. (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @madonna)
Madonna confirms tribute to Cazuza at concert in Rio
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Madonna confirms tribute to Cazuza at concert in Rio