Mariana Goldfarb posts bikini photo and gets 'hot' comment
Mariana Goldfarb, actress and presenter, 31 years old, shared this Sunday (09/01), on her social networks, photos of her trip to a waterfall in Rio de Janeiro, the model from Rio used her Instagram to show the bikini clicks, with the caption “The girl from the beach, the waterfall, the bush, the sand, the forest, the earth, herself.” In the post, the presenter received several comments and compliments from her followers, including her current husband, the actor and also model, Cauã Reymond, 41 years old, who used the fire emoji to praise his girlfriend.
Mariana Goldfarb (photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
Cauã and Mariana's relationship began in 2019, but the couple revealed in an interview that they had known each other for 13 years, when they met at a gym swimming, said Cauã, while Mariana said that this meeting occurred around her 13, 14 years of age. Since then, the actor has had other relationships with TV stars, such as: Grazi Mazzafera and Aline Moraes.
The couple, who value a healthy lifestyle, always drive their followers crazy when they post photos on social media, because they are both in good shape and are icons for a healthier lifestyle. Cauã, revealed in an interview for a YouTube channel, that he introduced Mariana to a healthy lifestyle and now it has only benefits, since the model has become a nutrition student, which has contributed to the healthy lifestyle of both. “Luckily, Mariana, my wife, is a nutritionist. We have a very good exchange. I brought her into this universe, but now she is the one who brings me a lot of things. It is very good because we feed off each other,” said the actor.
Mariana Goldfarb and Cauã Reymond (Photo: Reproduction/ Instagram)
Featured photo: Mariana Goldfarb (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)
Mariana Goldfarb posts bikini photo and gets 'hot' comment
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