Maroon 5 performs opening show at Arena MRV and promises surprises!

by Clare Dominic
Maroon 5 performs opening show at Arena MRV and promises

Maroon 5 performs opening show at Arena MRV and promises surprises!
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Arena MRV, in Belo Horizonte, will hold an opening show in September with the American band Maroon 5. The announcement of the performance was published by Moon BH this Saturday (1).

The show will serve as an event for Atletico fans who purchased tickets several months in advance, and for the Belo Horizonte market, to get to know the structure of the Arena. With this, the organizers set aside a space for visits for the state's major contractors in the hope that they will decide to bring other events to the new stadium.

In a post on Twitter, journalist José Norberto Flesch confirmed the news and excited the band's fans with the statement that more surprises are to come.

Journalist José Norberto Flesch confirms Maroon 5's arrival in Belo Horizonte (Photo: Reproduction/Twitter/@jnflesch)

The American quintet will perform another show in Brazil two days earlier, in São Paulo, at The Town festival, by the same creators as Rock in Rio.

After the band Coldplay, Maroon 5's show is one of the most anticipated by Brazilians.

According to Moon BH, the organizers of the event at Arena MRV were having great difficulty arranging the days of the festival, Clube Atlético Mineiro had problems closing with artists, leaving the possibility of bringing the band to the capital of Minas Gerais postponed. by Moon BH since the beginning of the year. Due to busy schedules, they were unable to close contracts.

For the organizers of Moon BH, signing the band was a more practical and safe option, due to the fact that the band was coming to Brazil to perform at The Town and the fact that they had already played in BH and managed to achieve a large sale. of tickets. Names like Madonna and Bruno Mars were speculated to perform the opening show.

The group was confirmed to perform at the stadium on September 9th, according to journalist José Norberto Flesch and the Moon BH portal.

Featured Photo: Maroon 5 will hold an opening show at the MRV Arena at Clube Atlético Mineiro (CAM). Reproduction/Twitter/@galo_infos

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Maroon 5 performs opening show at Arena MRV and promises surprises!

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Maroon 5 performs opening show at Arena MRV and promises surprises!

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