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most affectionate zodiac signs

Some signs of the zodiac would naturally be more affectionate than others. So we will see the 4 most affectionate signs of the zodiac.

Be careful, just because some astrological signs do not appear in this list does not mean that they cannot be affectionate! Indeed, each sign can obviously be very tender and affectionate towards their partner. Simply, these four signs in particular are “born in love”.

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The 4 most affectionate zodiac signs

So, are you one of the very affectionate people?

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

In terms of affection, Leo is truly THE ideal partner. Leo are tender in every sense of the word. It is the most heart-centered zodiac sign. Leo will often show you their affection. For example, holding hands, hugging regularly, hugging hard against them…

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But beware, Leo also love to receive affection. They also like attention, so if your partner is Leo, you know what you have to do!

Taurus (April 20, May 20) (most affectionate zodiac signs)

Of all the signs of the zodiac, Taurus is often described as the most sensual. They like to give and receive affection and feel connected by the five senses with their partner, including touch. If a person is likely to spread rose petals on the bed, it is a Taurus!


Taurus will satisfy you especially in bed because it takes its time to explore what you really like. Your sensual pleasure makes its pleasure.

Poisson (February 19 to March 20)

most affectionate zodiac signs

If you are a Poisson, or you are in a relationship with a Poisson, then you know how this zodiac sign is filled with compassion.

For a Fish, reciprocity is extremely important when it comes to love. This can lead to a respectful, equal and loving relationship. If you give affection to a Fish, it will return it to you a hundredfold. This is one of the signs of the zodiac that most unconditionally loves (his) his partner.


Libra (September 23 to October 22) (most affectionate zodiac signs)

Libra can take a minute to choose a partner, but once their choice is made, they become super tender.

Giving yourself a second chance as a couple

Libra love love and are happy in romanticism. Their affection is beautiful and inspired, they can for example write you poems or love letters. They like to demonstrate their love through material evidence such as gifts or flowers.

Libra are often excellent partners because they will allow you to be fully yourself. The small problem is that Libra love loves love so much that they sometimes struggle with commitment because their hearts often “balance”.

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