Muslim umbrella organization to discuss incorrect name ‘Eid al-Fitr’ with ministry

by James Williams
Muslim umbrella organization to discuss incorrect name 'Eid al-Fitr' with ministry

Muslim umbrella organization to discuss incorrect name,

The Muslims and Government Contact Body (CMO) will urge the Ministry of Justice and Security to use the incorrect name ‘Eid Al-Fitr’ less for Eid Al Fitr, the festival at the end of Ramadan.

This is what the partnership of more than 380 mosques and ten Islamic umbrella organizations informs Us.

According to the contact organ, ‘Eid al-Fitr’ does not do justice to the literal translation of the official term Eid Al Fitr. It literally means ‘feast of breaking the fast’. (Muslim umbrella organization to discuss incorrect name ‘Eid al-Fitr’ with ministry)

“The word ‘Eid al-Fitr’ has nothing to do with the feeling of Ramadan,” cmo chairman Muhsin Köktas explains the move. The CMO wants to raise the request to reduce the term during the next regular consultation with the Ministry of Justice and Security. That is scheduled for June 15.

The recognized interlocutor of several ministries increasingly notices that Muslims regret that the festive end of the fasting period ramadan by the term ‘Eid al-Fitr’ is only associated with eating sweets.

Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment sympathetic to official term

Minister Karien van Gennip of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) already used the term ‘Eid Al Fitr’ at the end of April during a speech about the iftar, the meal with which the fast is broken during Ramadan after sunset.

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“That was not because of government policy or the law,” says a spokesman for the ministry. “In this case, it was a choice to connect with the target group where we were guests.”

The ministry is keeping open the possibility that the use of the term ‘Eid Al Fitr’ by the government will increase in the long term. “Language is a living thing and adapts to the wishes of a group.”

Eid Al Fitr is an important holiday for Muslims

Eid Al Fitr is the great festival to conclude the fast during Ramadan. It is one of the most important religious days for the approximately one million Muslims in the Netherlands. Of course, that includes delicacies such as sweets, but there is more.

Often the day starts with morning prayer, in the mosque or at home. Muslims wear their finest clothes, often bought especially for the occasion, and greet each other with the words ‘Eid Mubarak’ (‘a blessed feast’). They donate money to charity, visit family and friends and give each other presents.

This is what the Muslims and Government Contact Body does

  • On behalf of more than 380 mosques and ten mosque umbrella organisations, the Muslims and Government Contact Body (CMO) represents the interests of Muslims in Dutch government and politics. For this purpose, the CMO has been officially recognized as a discussion partner since 2004.
  • The CMO regularly consults with, among others, the Ministries of Education, Culture and Science, Defence, Social Affairs and Employment and Justice and Security.
  • Justice and Security also contains the formerly independent Ministry of Worship. That former ministry was in charge of religion and philosophy of life.
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Muslim umbrella organization to discuss incorrect name ‘Eid al-Fitr’ with ministry





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