My Mother is a Piece 3 was the most watched film in 2021 by Globo
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After the death of actor Paulo Gustavo, the Globo broadcaster broadcast the film in homage to the comedian on May 5, 2021 (one day after his death) and analyzed the milestone of 24 points in audience on a national average, on the same day, it presented 40 million people.
Actor and comedian Paulo Gustavo, one of the most popular and charming artists in Brazilian theater, TV and cinema, died on May 4, 2021, due to complications from the Covid-19 virus due to a pulmonary embolism. Paulo Gustavo left behind two young children, Gael and Romeu, his husband Thales Bretas, as well as his family members who inspired the film's timeline.
The feature film “My mother is a piece 3” rated 12 years old, tells the story of the protagonist Dona Hermínia, who will have to deal with the changes in the lives of her youngest children by creating and building their own families. Marcelina (middle daughter) is pregnant and in a new relationship, Juliano (youngest son) is getting married and her ex-husband Carlos Alberto is moving into an apartment next door to her. The film brings to the maximum the reality of Brazilian families, as well as reflective scenes of the behavior of parents, children, representation of the LGBTQIA+ community, family relationships, friends and love.
Dona Hermínia and her two children (Photo: Reproduction/ Globo Filmes)
Paulo Gustavo had some productions and performances in: “Go for Glue” the movie and the series, “My life on Mars“, “The Village“, “Men are from Mars and that's where I'm going“, “220 volts“, “Seriously Mom“the first two my mother is a piece,”Diva“, “Upside down 2“, “Xuxa in the mystery of the little ugliness“, as well as other productions that had an influence on streaming platforms, TV shows, theater and cinemas.
The film “My mother is a piece 3“ features Paulo Gustavo, Mariana Xavier, Rodrigo Pandolfo, Herson Capri, Alexandra Richter, Samantha Schmutz, Patricya Travassos and Malu Valle in the cast. Produced by Lafa Britz and Marcelo Guerra, written by Paulo Gustavo, directed by Susana Garcia.
Featured Photo: Dona Hermínia starring in a film. Reproduction/ GlobloFilmes
My Mother is a Piece 3 was the most watched film in 2021 by Globo
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My Mother is a Piece 3 was the most watched film in 2021 by Globo