Mysterious video attracts fan speculation about NX Zero's possible return

by Clare Dominic
Mysterious video attracts fan speculation about NX Zero's possible return

Mysterious video attracts fan speculation about NX Zero's possible return
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Late this Wednesday afternoon (18), NX Zero's social media profile released a mysterious video with the band members. The news, about a possible return of one of the biggest bands of the emo movement in Brazil, excited fans about the possible return.

At the teaser published, the members appear together, returning to occupy their “proper positions”, reconnecting their instruments and starting the chords of the song. hit”Além de Mim”, from 2006, ending with the year 2023 accompanied by the group's logo. See:

Teaser published on the band's profile @nxzerooficial (Reproduction/Twitter).

In addition to the video, a redesigned logo of the group with a yellow background was posted by all members and the official website opened a new page for fans of the emo phenomenon to receive news. The possible return generated several comments on the networks. Celebrities such as Vitor Kley, Lucas Fresno, Pe Lanza, from the extinct band “Restart”, the singer of “Jeito Moleque”, Gui Albuquerque, among others, also expressed their opinions.

Performance of the song ” Além de Mim ” – NX Zero (Reproduction/YouTube).

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It is worth mentioning that this is the first image of the group together after announcing in December 2017 that they would pause their activities to take a sabbatical. The five members, Di Ferrero, Gee Rocha, Dani Weksler, Caco Grandino and Fi Ricardo, said goodbye to the stage with the tour titled, “Saidera Tour”, and during this period they ended up getting involved in personal projects.

Publication on the profile of the band's lead singer @diferrero (Reproduction/Instagram).

The owners of the songs that marked the “Brazilian emo” movement like, “Sooner or later“, “Wherever you are“, “Reasons and emotions“, “I just pray“, “From now on” among others, in 2020 during the pandemic, they held a live so that the public could relive old hits, but without giving any hint of a possible comeback.

Although so far, none of the musicians have commented on their return, the posts made are clear clues of what could come next. O emoji with two eyes accompanied by the at sign of the band's profile in the caption, and the stories who shares the link for fans to register on the site, greatly reinforces the speculation. After marking a generation, it is now time to wait for the surprises that will come in a future that appears to be very close.

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Featured Photo: Banda NX Zero Reproduction/Instagram.

Mysterious video attracts fan speculation about NX Zero's possible return

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Mysterious video attracts fan speculation about NX Zero's possible return

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