New name emerging in country music, Guilherme Cézar launches his second EP today
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Guilherme Cézar is a new name in country music and worked for a long time as a composer for Marília Mendonça, César Menotti and Fabiano, Wesley Safadão and many other great names in national country music.
His first EP “Atualiza” already has more than 2 million hits on YouTube and you definitely need to listen to it. After all, he is one of the great promises of the new crop of country music, but it won't take long for him to be one of the main artists in the segment.
However, you may want to know more about the Guilherme Cezar and how he got here.
From Timothy to Brazil
Guilherme Cézar was born in the city of Timóteo and has always been a great listener since he was a child. His first memory was at the age of 2 with one of the biggest names in world music: Raul Seixas. We can say that he started with music of the highest quality.
However, it was at the age of 11 that he started to get into the habit of listening to other types of music and looking for new artists. It was at that time that he received a CD from Gabriel Pensador and also from the group Raça Negra as a gift.
You may be asking yourself: But what about country people? Guilherme Cézar says that his grandparents didn't like it and that's why it took him longer than most of us to listen.
It was at the age of 14 that he started learning guitar, so these worlds were going to meet at some point. At this stage, Guilherme began to get closer to international rock listening to bands like Nirvana, Guns N' Roses, Queen, but without forgetting national classics like Legião Urbana, Capital Inicial and many others.
In fact, at that time, he started creating parodies to show his friends. Furthermore, at 17 he started playing in church and began to exercise both his compositional side and his practice with different instruments.
It was only at the age of 20 that the countryman entered his life, certainly, the move to Goiânia helped in this rapprochement. There he began his career as a composer, until
reach the biggest names in country music.
In the first release of his EP “Atualiza” Guilherme achieved over 2 million views, and today (28) October his second EP is now available, follow it on all digital platforms
Featured Photo: Reproduction
New name emerging in country music, Guilherme Cézar launches his second EP today
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New name emerging in country music, Guilherme Cézar launches his second EP today