President Lula suffers an accident in the bathroom of his home and has his trip to Russia canceled

by James Williams
President Lula suffers an accident in the bathroom of his

President Lula suffers an accident in the bathroom of his home and has his trip to Russia canceled
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President Lula, who planned to travel this Sunday afternoon (20) to Russia and participate in the BRICS summit, he will now have to participate via videoconference, as his doctor recommended that he avoid long-distance travel at the moment. Due to the injuries he suffered, the president needed five stitches in his head.

According to doctors at the Sírio-Libanês Hospital, where Lula was attended to, what occurred was a blunt-force injury in the occipital region.

What is a cut-contus

A cut-contusion is a considerable cut, level three in severity, that is, it is an injury to the back of the head that can cause damage to soft tissues, bones and, in some cases, the brain. This type of injury is generally caused by falls, traffic accidents, assaults, etc. Because it is a moderate injury, it requires medical monitoring to check whether symptoms worsen or improve.

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Symptoms associated with this type of injury include intense pain in the back of the neck, bleeding or bruising, dizziness, vertigo, blurred or double vision, as well as mental confusion or even loss of consciousness.

Medical bulletin of President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva (Photo: reproduction/Hospital Sírio-Libanês)

The president was advised to resume his activities normally, but under medical supervision to prevent his condition from worsening or new injuries. On Saturday (19), after changing the dressings, he was discharged to return home, with the recommendation to return on Sunday (20), in the morning, to carry out additional control tests.

BRICS Summit

The summit in which Lula will participate via video call, due to the latest events, is scheduled for next Tuesday (22) in Kazan, Russia. During this event, he must connect remotely to discuss matters of common interest, even in the face of circumstances that prevent him from being physically present.

In addition to the summit, a bilateral meeting is planned between Lula, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. BRICS, which encompasses Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, is a group focused on economic development, created to promote agreements and strengthen cooperation between these nations, aiming to increase global economic influence and establish these powers as references in the international scene.

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Featured photo: President Lula (Reproduction/Getty Images Embed/Nurphoto)

President Lula suffers an accident in the bathroom of his home and has his trip to Russia canceled

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President Lula suffers an accident in the bathroom of his home and has his trip to Russia canceled

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