Producer Reveals Plans to Connect Constantine and I Am Legend

by Xavier Catherine
Producer Reveals Plans to Connect Constantine and I Am Legend

Producer Reveals Plans to Connect Constantine and I Am Legend
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Writer, producer and director Akiva Goldsman opened up about some of his plans for the new Warner Bros films in an interview with DEADLINE. Among those mentioned was the continuation of “Constantine” and “Eu Sou A Lenda”.

Producer credits Keanu Reeves for continuation of Constantine. Reproduction/Warner

When talking about the sequel to “Constantine”, Goldsman gave credit to Keanu Reeves, who plays the main character in the first film:

“This is thanks to Keanu, who has said countless times, 'This is a character I want to do again.' Finally, he said so many times that it worked.”.

Goldsman also confirmed that the second film will continue the story of the 2005 original, focusing on the barrier between Earth and diabolical creatures.

Regarding “I Am Legend”, Goldsman stated that they have been working on the film for years and that the HBO series “The Last of Us” has been serving as motivation for its release, featuring Will Smith and Michael B. Jordan in the film:

“It (the second “I Am Legend” film) will start a few decades after the first. I'm obsessed with 'The Last Of Us', where we not only see the world after the apocalypse, but also 20-30 years later. You see how Earth takes the world back, and there is something beautiful in the question: When man takes a step back from being the main tenant, what happens? This will look especially visual in New York. I don't know if they'll climb the Empire State Building, but the possibilities are endless. We go back to Matheson's original book, and the alternate ending as opposed to the ending shown in the original film. What Matheson was talking about was how the period when man was the dominant species was over. This is an interesting question that we will explore. There will be more fidelity to the original book.”

Featured photo: Producer talks about what to expect from the next I Am Legend film. Reproduction/Warner

Producer Reveals Plans to Connect Constantine and I Am Legend

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Producer Reveals Plans to Connect Constantine and I Am Legend

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