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relationship is going badly
You are in a relationship with your sweetheart but you feel slight tensions, a certain form of opposition sometimes or you have questions about the health of your love? Read our article 8 signs that prove that your couple is going badly!
1) Distance taking
Do you see yourself less and less often? Or when you see yourself feeling slight tensions and you no longer dare to take her in your arms if she (he) rejects you? A discussion is needed! Make yourself a good tea to relax the atmosphere and freely discuss everything you feel, the unspoken, the tensions, the fears that cross your mind, but also the desires you have in the future!
The goal is not to swing the four truths like a savage but to measure his words by saying well what must be said to better start on a good basis!
2) The “you” who kills (relationship is going badly)
Your darling points out your flaws more frequently, find themselves more quickly annoyed with each “misstep”? According to Jacques Salomé, saying phrases such as “You should do this…” You should have thought of that… You should have known that… You don’t love me as much as I love you”, we point to the other and we kill the relationship!
Transform your sentences by placing the “I” rather than the “you”, say instead “by acting in this way, I have the feeling that…” I have the impression that… I feel… ».
If it is your other half who has this bad habit, send him this article (with a little heart of course :D) or try to explain to him in your words what his words influence your relationship!
3) Attempts at jealousy (relationship is going badly)
If you see that your sweetheart is trying to use a few small techniques to stir up your jealousy, she may be trying to test you and see how you react. A somewhat childish way to desperately try to hold your attention or make you understand through the lines that you need to be closer to her (him). (relationship is going badly)
If this is your case, do not feed the game and simply say with a smile “are you trying to make me jealous?” Unmasked, she (he) will empty-handed a few sentences by telling you “I don’t see what you’re talking about… and trying to do everything to convince you that she (he) does not act this way!
Remind him that you love him and that you want to continue together and communicate together about the hidden unspoken and establish solutions for two to better understand each other and avoid this kind of inconvenience
4) Your text messages are colder than usual
You send her a picture of you in the evening with your friends with a little heart and she replies dryly “Good evening”? It is very likely that your other half is upset… Isolate yourself for a moment and call her to reassure her, tell her that you love her, that you think of her (him) and that you want to find her (him)! If you feel that this gene persists on the phone, calmly ask her to express what she (he) feels. (relationship is going badly)
Why does it act like this? Is it legitimate? Is it your fault or his due to a very low confidence in her (he)? Anyway reassure her, try to understand the points of view of both and try to find a solution for two that will please you as much as she (him)! On the other hand, do not act against your values and who you are.
If you feel it’s going a little too far tell her that you love her as she (he) is and that you would love for her (he) to do the same for a healthy and conflict-free love!
5) She (he) suddenly has trouble getting you into his schedule
When you try to schedule with her (him) a next appointment, without enthusiasm, she (he) remains vague and throws you a shy “We’ll see much later” or “Next week”? Tell her that you really want to see her and try to understand the unspoken behind this shell… The next time you see yourself, communicate, find solutions and relativize by laughing together! (relationship is going badly)
6) She (he) talks more about her exes or the men she meets
Her exes of whom she (he) said that evil suddenly become “sympathetic” and when returning from the evening she (he) tells you about a man (a woman) that she (he) met in the evening and who was “sensational!”?
Ask yourself questions about his provocative sentences and find answers for two! Is it just to tease? Or is it in order to make the other person jealous so that you react? Or is it a completely different register, such as a desire to go elsewhere or to seduce because she (he) is a little bored in this routine? Whatever the reasons, make sure you understand them well, in order to remedy them as soon as possible.
Then tell him afterwards, to talk to you frankly next time by going straight to the point! This will save you a lot of unnecessary questions and remove all possible anxieties in the future!
relationship is going badly
7) You feel like you have to constantly win it back every time you see it
Every time you find yourself, you have the feeling of having to go through all the steps as if you had just met? It is important to feel your couple moving forward and not to keep coming back to square one! Your other half may find it difficult to trust you.
If this is your case, tell her your desires to move forward as a couple together and offer to do some work on herself to solve as soon as possible this problem that could be destructive over time in your relationship.
8) She talks less about the future together
Your darling talks less about future plans together and insinuates a few times that you may not end your life together on the pretext (precisely or not) that it is too early to consider it. If this is your case, reserve more intimate moments as a couple, surprise her (the) with small attentions that she (he) loves so much, talk to her about the future by integrating her into your vision (in a humorous or seductive way), and tell her that you love her madness in a somewhat original way! (relationship is going badly)
By seeing you talk about the future with so much confidence and without fears, it may be that the shell of your half is hidden little by little and that it (he) finds in you a desire to move forward together as well as a beautiful source of inspiration! It is by seeing a happy person that we want to be at his side!
We hope that these points and tips have helped you to know if your couple is slightly damaged, understand why you are in a cold or light confrontation phase, and that our advice will have directed you to get out of it… quickly!