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Those who wear glasses know the frustration when they spend hours doing makeup and in the end it is overshadowed by the frame of the glasses. Even worse, you can’t do without it because you can’t see, can you?

result of makeup with the frame of glasses

The bad news is that not all techniques work for people who wear glasses. The good news is that, with the right techniques, you can also use glasses as a complement to your makeup and rock even more, without having to choose to wear makeup or see with glasses.

So pay attention to these tips so you don’t make any more mistakes when it comes to applying makeup and then putting on your glasses.

use a good first before foundation application


makeup with the frame of glasses

Photo: Use a good one first before applying foundation (Reproduction: Pinterest)

In order for the frame not to wear off your make-up so much, it needs to be very well prepared, in addition to the normal hydration that your skin should have, it is also important to use a good first before foundation application, because primer is also used to keep “everything in place”.

Use powder and fixer


makeup with the frame of glasses

Photo: Use powder and fixer (Reproduction: Pinterest)

In addition to a good primer and foundation, using makeup powder and setting are also extremely important. Always finish off your makeup very well so that your glasses frame doesn’t ruin all the work and care you put into it.

Use eyeliner and mascara


makeup with the frame of glasses

Photo: Abuse of eyeliner and mascara (Reproduction: Pinterest)

The good news for eyeliner lovers is that you can abuse this item to do this makeup, as it highlights the eyes, so you can use it in different colors. And if you like to use it without the traditional line, you can too.

Eyelash masks are also allies for people who wear glasses. So, always abuse this item when doing your makeup, even if it’s something simpler, know that it brings attention to your look.


Another tip to further impact your look is to mark the root of the lower and upper lashes with an eye pencil.

fill in the eyebrows

makeup with the frame of glasses

Photo: Fill in the eyebrows (Reproduction: Pinterest)


Filling in the eyebrows too, something very important, even like most eyeglass frames, the beetle is a little bit them, leaving them almost imperceptible. Makeup artist Allex Cardoso gives two very good options to fill them. “It can be done with eyeshadow for those who like them more uniform, or with eyebrow liner pens simulating lines to give a more natural look. And, in addition, we can keep the hairs in order in an upward direction towards the diagonal, which is to give the feeling of a more open look “, complete the makeup artist. result of makeup with the frame of glasses

cover dark circles

makeup with the frame of glasses

Photo: Cover dark circles (Reproduction: Pinterest)


As glasses draw attention to the eyes, it is extremely important, whenever possible, to cover dark circles with concealers suitable for your skin.

focus on the lips

makeup with the frame of glasses

Photo: Focus on the lips (Reproduction: Pinterest)


In case your glasses frame is exotic, shiny, a lot of color or something like that, a good suggestion is also to bring the focus to the lips. Use vibrantly colored lipsticks to draw attention to your face, but below the frame. Abuse matte lipstick in shades of red and wine or even glosses.

With these tips, your makeup will never be the same, and your frames will never stand out without a great makeup complement.


Featured photo: Makeup and glasses: Learn how not to erase the result of makeup (Reproduction: Pinterest)

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result of makeup with the frame of glasses
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