Roberto de Carvalho opens up about missing Rita Lee: “Empty remains”
Since the death of the most important voice in national rock, Rita Lee, in May this year, victim of lung cancer, the widower, Roberto de Oakhas used his social networks as a memorial of records lived alongside his loved one. In his most recent post made this Saturday (8), the musician is emotional as he vents about the lack of Rita he does. Followed by an image from the beginning of his career he wrote: “Missing you, 2 months… An eternity. The void remains”.
In the comments, friends and fans of the artists posted their loving messages: “I can only imagine the pain of leaving a great love. I really admire your story. I'm a fan of Rita!” said a follower; another wrote “The void will remain forever, but we grow around it, Roberto. This is mourning. What comforts is knowing that you have wonderful people by your side who will continue to support you on this journey. A big hug!”.
Also on his profile he published a selfie where he appears lying down and captioned: “in reality”. Artists like Mel Lisboawho interpreted the Queen of Rock in theaters, and the couple's eldest son, Beto Leealso reinforced their support by writing: “The most beautiful love I've ever seen. Be strong, my dear.” said the actress, while the firstborn exclaimed his love for his father with a message in English followed by a emoji decoration.
Rita and Roberto they had been together for almost 50 years, driven by their love of music, the couple built their history as working partners, together they became parents of three children, João Lee, Beto Lee and Antônio Lee. The singer had been fighting the disease that had killed her since 2021, ending the battle on May 8 of this year, the official statement was made by the family itself on the artist's profile. His wake was open to the public and was attended by more than 10 thousand fans, at the Ibirapuera Park Planetarium, in São Paulo.
Featured Photo: Roberto de Carvalho and Rita Lee. Reproduction/Instagram/@roberto_de_carvalho
Roberto de Carvalho opens up about missing Rita Lee: “Empty remains”
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