Rodriguinho's wife defends herself against comment made by Luiza Brunet
The brothers are giving something to talk about inside and outside the house: according to the “Quem” portal, during the early hours of Friday (12) to Saturday (13), a chat took place between Rodriguinho and Nizam about Yasmin's body Brunet (daughter of businesswoman Luiza Brunet). They commented that the model has taken better care of herself and also has a strange butt, in addition to the fact that she is eating compulsorily within the reality show.
The brothers' chat revolted not only internet users, but, mainly, the model's mother, Luiza Brunet, who shared, on her Instagram story, an intriguing post about Rodriguinho looking at himself before talking about the model and added: “What is his wife like?”
Bruna Amaral, Rodriguinho's wife, defends herself
Bruna printed Luiza Brunet's story and commented that she thought it was ugly for a woman to belittle another, even less so coming from a woman who “calls himself activist and speaker”Amaral also highlighted that humans make mistakes, her husband is not perfect and that she is sure that Rodriguinho, when he leaves the program, will become aware of the mistakes he made while participating in the reality show.
Bruna ended her story by saying: “Don’t attack one person for another’s mistake! Get better!”
Screenshot of Bruna Amaral's Instagram story (Reproduction/website “Quem”)
Luiza Brunet responds to Bruna
Brunet's mother did not leave it unanswered, re-shared Bruna's story and commented that she did not want to know about her life, also saying that she realized that Amaral did not disapprove of the position that had been placed and concluded “I feel sorry for you too. God bless and protect you a lot. Improvements.”
Screenshot of Luiza Brunet's Instagram story (Reproduction/site”Quem”)
According to the “Quem” portal, Luiza also wrote about the comments: “I, as a women's rights activist, am embarrassed to hear so much aggression against my daughter Yasmin Brunet, who, I say again, represents women. And translates the naked truth of what thousands of women experience every day. ”
She concluded by asking her followers what they thought of the profound dialogue between men who represent machismo, sexism and gender-based violence.
Featured photo: Rodriguinho and his wife, Bruna Amaral on the left and Luiza Brunet and her daughter, Yasmin Brunet, on the right (Reproduction: Instagram / @rodriguinho / @luizabrunetoficial)
Rodriguinho's wife defends herself against comment made by Luiza Brunet
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