Sabrina Sato shares a special moment on the internet with Zoe and Nicolas Prattes
This Sunday (10), Sabrina Sato shared on her Instagram a photo of her partner, actor Nicolas Prattes, and Zoe, her daughter with Duda Nagle. This is the family's first appearance after the loss of the baby they were expecting.
About the publication
The presenter published on her social networks the photograph showing her daughter and Nicolas lying down to the sound of the song “Tudo que a fé pode touch” by Tiago Iorc. The song was written for a friend of Tiago who passed away and talks about grief. Prattes reposted the photo on his profile, and so far neither of them has spoken openly to the public about what happened.
Nicolas Prattes and Zoe (Photo: reproduction/Instagram/@sabrinasato)
Sabrina was 11 weeks pregnant and expecting her second child. However, on November 5th she was taken to the hospital and, according to doctors, the loss of the baby was due to the return of pregnancy. Sato adapted her work schedule due to her pregnancy and had plans to parade at Carnival while pregnant.
Affection from fans and your life
After the loss, the couple received many messages from fans and their friends. Most were telling her to be strong, that she is a great woman and mother, others said they were sorry for what happened to her, and there were people who didn't think it was cool that she announced her pregnancy before it was three months old.
The former BBB was born on February 4, 1981, in Penápolis, São Paulo, she is the mother of Zoe, 5 years old, and is in a serious relationship with Nicolas Prattes. She currently has more than 30 million followers on Instagram, works for big brands as an influencer, and is also the drum queen at the samba schools Gaviões da Fiel, in São Paulo, and Vila Isabel, in Rio de Janeiro. She is very loved by her audience, who admire her for her manner and charisma.
Featured Photo: Sabrina Sato (Reproduction/Instagram/@sabrinasato)
Sabrina Sato shares a special moment on the internet with Zoe and Nicolas Prattes
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