See the celebrities who will parade for the first time at Carnival

by Xavier Catherine
See the celebrities who will parade for the first time

See the celebrities who will parade for the first time at Carnival

This year's Carnival is in full swing. Preparations for the great festivities are in the final stretch and some parades around the country have already started, encouraging the public to participate. In Rio de Janeiro, there are some blocks taking place in different neighborhoods, the main one being in the center of Rio. The city of Salvador, in Bahia, entered the Guinness Book as the largest street carnival and has been hosting several parades since the previous week.

Celebrities will leave their legacy and be present at samba schools for this year's parades. Some digital influencers and media personalities will be taking to the catwalk for the first time.

The street blocks taking place in Rio de Janeiro (Photo: reproduction/G1)

The names announced by samba schools

The names were announced this week, leaving the web euphoric with the news. Former BBB 20, digital influencer and actress Rafa Kalimann will be present as the muse of the Imperatriz Leopoldinense samba school. In an interview given to Marie Claire magazine, the model joked that she got the role of muse for her participation in ''Dança dos Famosos'', a talent show on the program Domingão com Huck.

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Digital influencer Rafa Kalimann in a box at Carnival (Photo: reproduction/Metrópoles)

Actress Giovanna Cordeiro, who plays Luna in the soap opera ''Fuzuê'' on TV Globo, will parade as a muse in Porto de Pedra. The school will open the Rio Special Group night on Sunday. Giovanna Cordeiro is the protagonist in the soap opera and is a romantic partner with actor Nicolas Prattes.

Actress Giovanna Cordeiro in a box at Carnival (Photo: reproduction/CN1 Brasil)

Former participant of ''A Fazenda 14'', lawyer and digital influencer Deolane Bezerra will make her debut as a highlight of the Grande Rio samba school.

Lawyer and former Fazenda 14 Deolane Bezerra dressed up for a parade (Photo: reproduction/O TEMPO)

Grande Rio will have model Mariana Goldfarb, ex of actor Cauã Reymond, as its muse for the first time.

Model Mariana Goldfarb on street blocks (Photo: reproduction/UOL)

Former BBB 20 and former Power Couple 6 Ivy Moraes will have her participation confirmed for the first time as a muse at the samba school Barroca Zona Sul. The model revealed in an interview that she will wear a costume valued at R$40 thousand reais and will have more of 10 thousand crystals on your clothes.

Former BBB20 and former Power Couple 6 Ivy Moraes in a photo shoot (Photo: reproduction/Correio Braziliense)

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The dates of Carnival 2024

Carnival 2024 is about to begin, with festivities starting on February 10th and ending on February 13th. Maceió has emerged as the epicenter of this celebration, attracting a significant influx of tourists looking for fun and revelry. With its stunning beaches, tropical climate and vibrant cultural scene, the city has become the ideal destination for those who want to make the most of Brazilians' most anticipated party.

Featured photo: celebrities who will parade for the first time at Carnival (Reproduction Instagram/ @ivymoraes/ @dra.deolanebezerra/ @rafakalimann)

See the celebrities who will parade for the first time at Carnival

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