Sterrin Smalbrugge grew up in a strict religious family: ‘It was a cult’

Sterrin Smalbrugge
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Sterrin Smalbrugge

Ecologist Sterrin Smalbrugge grew up in a strict religious family and still has trouble with that, she told the radio program Onze Man in Deventer by Özcan Akyol.

The 28-year-old participant of the expedition Robinson programme grew up in Rijssen in the province of Overijssel, according to her “the capital of the Biblebelt”.

“I never talk about it, but that’s a big part of my life. I don’t call it a church, I call it a cult. It’s been really, really tough for me. I’ve never spoken it like that before. I just refuse to call it a church. Because you just don’t have a life outside of it anymore,” says Smalbrugge.

“You are brought up in such a way that you are afraid of everything, because the outside world is bad. Especially as an introvert, if you sincerely believe that, then your world will be very small.”

The ecologist eventually renounced the faith. She understands that her family thinks that this will end up in hell. “I know what it’s like to believe that so I get how terrible that is, that one of your dearest family members doesn’t go with you to eternal life. That seems like a terrible thought to me.”


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