Tati Machado shows sympathy at an airport in Rio
Tati Machado has been winning the hearts of the public more and more. It all started when she just commented on celebrities, soap operas and the BBB at Globo’s Encontro and Mais Você. However, she gained even greater proportions after replacing Patrícia Poeta, who is on vacation, along with Valéria Almeida.
She was also very stylish, with headphones, a plaid shirt, blue pants and a custom sandal.

Patricia Poet went on vacation from the Meeting together with the resignation of Manoel Soares from TV Globo, something that created some chaos on TV Globo. Now, the presenter, who was away from the internet, without posting almost anything during this “off” time, has announced that she is coming back.
“After 2 weeks completely off, starting to say goodbye to the holidays. Arrivederci!”, She said, in a smiling photo.
Tati Machado, who is currently in charge of the program alongside Valéria Almeida, commented on the image and wrote: “Belíssima”.
Patrícia Poeta’s return, however, does not promise to be easy. This is because the partnership between Tati Machado and Valéria Almeida conquered the public for all the charisma and companionship of both and there are still those who ask that the two remain in the attraction even with the return of Patrícia.
Tati Machado shows sympathy at an airport in Rio
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