Taylor Swift Makes History at Grammys 2021: Unique Record

by Clare Dominic
Taylor Swift Makes History at Grammys 2021: Unique Record

Taylor Swift Makes History at Grammys 2021: Unique Record
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This Sunday (14), women revolutionized the world of music and made history through their compositions. Winning three times in the category of Album of the YearTaylor Swift was among them, breaking, that night, a unique record in the history of the awards.

With the award, the singer became the first woman to win this category three times. His first victory was in 2010, with Fearless — his second studio work —, in 2016 it was his second, with 1989and now, in 2021, the singer breaks the Academy record, with her new album Folklore.

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As the first woman to reach this milestone, Taylor shares the podium with just three other artists: Stevie Wonder, Frank Sinatra and Paul Simon, the only ones with three Grammys in the same category as the singer.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift wins Album of the Year Grammy for the third time (Photo: Reproduction/ Instagram)

In her speech, the artist thanked the Academy and her collaborators, but especially her fans. “You (fans) found us in this imaginary world that we created and we cannot tell you how honored we are, forever, by this. Thank you very much“, he said.

Considered a veteran in Grammy AwardsTaylor has collected 10 statuettes, more than 40 nominations and competes in six categories in the 63rd edition of the award, including which she won. Furthermore, the singer offered a “full plate” to fans, at the 2021 event, in a performance that included three songs from her winning album — Cardigan, August and willow — and with the stage setting respecting the aesthetics of the music videos for the chosen songs.

Selling 1.276 million copies as of December 2020, Falklore has received widespread attention in the music industry. In it, Taylor worked on something deeper and more revealing, giving the public a work that was a little more personal.

(Featured Photo: Taylor Swift. Reproduction/ Instagram)

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Taylor Swift Makes History at Grammys 2021: Unique Record

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Taylor Swift Makes History at Grammys 2021: Unique Record

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