Testimony in Money Laundering Trial.
Many only see corruption within Brazilian politics, but not even the most developed countries escape this crime. In recent days, Hollywood structures have been shaken by links between a Malaysian financial criminal and big stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Kim Kardashian.
Photo: Actor Leonardo DiCaprio (Reproduction/digital spy)
Faced with this situation this Monday (03) the protagonist of “Titanic” was a witness in a money laundering trial. The Hollywood star entered the court without being seen by the press who were present there. Leonardo was talking about a federal crime case, in which rapper Pras Michél, from the group Fugges, was an accomplice to crimes in government areas.
According to colonna Monet, from the website globo.com, “DiCaprio was to give a formal statement in the money laundering trial of rapper Pras Michél – who became famous worldwide alongside Lauryn Hill and Wyclef Jean in the band Fugees -, who had strong connections with businessman Jho Low, considered the biggest fugitive from justice for a worldwide financial crime. Her scam, in addition to involving the producer of the film 'The Wolf of Wall Street', is also accused of laundering billions of dollars stolen from the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund (1MDB). reported the website. “Michél, according to prosecutors, became a recipient of money embezzled by Low and his attempts to influence the United States government,” continued the website
Prás tried to play the role of criminal Low, becoming a donor to the 2012 campaigns of former President Barack Obama and former President Donald Trump.
Leo stated that the rapper attended parties financed by Low. And it also confirmed his relationship with the criminal, who, the actor believed, was just a businessman. “I understood him as a great businessman with many different connections in Abu Dhabi and Malaysia,” said the actor in his testimony.
Jho strengthened ties with DiCaprio by donating to needy entities and offered to finance the film starring the actor “The Wolf of Wall Street”.
Featured photo: Actor Leonardo DiCaprio and rapper Pras Michél (Reproduction/NME)
Testimony in Money Laundering Trial.
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