The day I met the man of my life #love #couple

by James Williams
The day I met the man of my life
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The day I met the man of my life

On the path that is called life, many are the beings that we are led to cross. Most will not stop or only for a short time, some will advance with us to a certain point, and finally, the rarest will become real pillars of our existence.

There are stealth encounters, sometimes regrettable. There are also pleasant, important, beautiful ones.


This meeting is characterized by a sweet mixture of magic and the unexpected.

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This morning of April 1st,I was prepared for the day ahead, to come face to face with many jokers of all kinds… So much so that on the way to join him at the set meeting place, I thought about the possibility of a hoax.

For a while now, I woke up in this bed far too big for me, next to a cold and empty place. This situation does not suit me so badly. I loved, I suffered. From now on, I have almost no pain, and enjoy my serenity found little by little. They are part of my life, but I have decided, men will only pass for now. The day I met the man of my life

I see them, some, like vultures,gravitating around me. Others, tender as lambs,attach themselves with benevolence to tame me without success. Finally, those whom I ironically call my “favorites”, pretentious convinced of their irresistible charm, exhaust me of their extreme heaviness.

He, however, stands out… It is even beginning to occupy in my thoughts, a place less and less negligible … Would I be falling back into the nets of love?

HE, IT’S DIFFERENT .( The day I met the man of my life )

This encounter is with a man who does not look like any of them. It is a mirage, a hallucination, a dream. However, I have the strange feeling of having already seen it somewhere… His face is not unknown to me, his voice is familiar to me. He is not quite the one I had imagined ….

He is even very far from it. When for the first time, his velvet eyes cross mine, I recognize him; and already know it… He is beyond all the ideals I had created for myself. He is the one I have secretly dreamed of forever.

Well sheltered, nestled behind my nature reserve, I only observe it discreetly. The look he puts on me is more insistent, but never embarrassing, even flattering.

When he approaches me, it is with a surprising spontaneity that is no less irresistible.

His speech is frank, his flow fast, and it is with disconcerting ease that he pleads his cause with me. The day I met the man of my life

He seems to have this little nervous side. His speech is accompanied by great gestures. Constantly hopping from one foot to the other, he is unable to control the surplus energy that characterizes him. This only adds to its charm. Sure of himself, he might seem to be doing his interesting.

Yet he has no pretensions. He just seems to know what he wants. Fanciful, joking, he amuses me as much as he softens me. When he suddenly seems to resume his seriousness, a part of me struggles to find him credible, and yet he assures me of all his sincerity, I am “crunchy”, “since the time he waits for that”, I make him “phew”. He himself does not explain what is happening.

The day I met the man of my life

Enterprising, a bit daring, he instantly goes from the delicacy that reassures me, to the virility that seduces me.

Patience and tenacity were his watchwords. It took three months. His atypical charm, his excessive sensitivity will finally get the better of me. At that moment, opening his arms to me, he just asks me to come against him.

And it was in an unforgettable embrace,in the passionate exchange of the first kiss,that the most excessive and thrilling of feelings took hold of my whole being. I understand that right now. What I had previously experienced as love, was only a tiny part of what my heart was able to experience. Suddenly, this passion gave me the strength to face my past wounds, savor my present, and believe in my future.

I soon came to understand him, this playful boy, this indefatigable “mess”, did not possess in his heart that cheerfulness and joie de vivre. No matter, as a couple we are always stronger. ( The day I met the man of my life )

I look at him, tell him that he is beautiful… He is offended, he does not love himself. I came five years, he is thirteen years my senior. His maturity and tender insolence go hand in hand. They make him this mischievous and touching man-child. Filled with paradoxes, it can be contradictory. In his annoying hours, all he needs is one look to be forgiven.

He is in love, serious or temporary encounters. Encounters that accumulate, and that merge in the middle of all the others. Encounters that prove to be more credible and convincing than others. Simply, how many times is the so-called true love able to intoxicate you to this extent…?

That day, she wasn’t just pretty. Nor was it trivial. She was not one more, or a little more important than the others. Today’s meeting was simply unique. That day…. I met the man of my life.


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