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The good health of our couple depends on our good knowledge of our partner (Study)

According to one study, the good health of our couple depends on our good knowledge of our partner. So let’s take a closer look!

The good health of our couple depends on our good knowledge of our partner

The study in question was conducted by Dr. Isaac J. Perron who analyzed the answers of more than 600,000 users of Happy Couple (famous application dedicated to the development of the couple) to more than 120 million questions. These results allowed Isaac Perron to sift through the various correlations between our users’ questions and answers. The data also showed that responses were, for most couples, a mode of self-assessment. Perron was based on a panel of 8,302 users who answered four categories of questions

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aimed at measuring the good health of their couple.



A healthy couple is a couple who asks the right questions

The good health of our couple depends on our good knowledge of our partner (Study)

Julien Robert, founder and CEO of Happy Couple, explains: “A healthy couple is a couple that asks the right questions and where the partners accept each other. We created Happy Couple to help them while having fun.”

Another determining factor is the frequency with which registrants use the application. Isaac Perron came to the conclusion that the more couples answer the proposed questions, the higher their scores. This interaction is due to several reasons: “It’s a fact: connecting to Happy Couple makes couples happier and more fulfilled. Even if this cause-and-effect relationship can easily be reversed. It is very likely that happy couples will enjoy playing Happy Couple,” writes Isaac Perron.


The good health of our couple depends on our good knowledge of our partner (Study)

Science at the service of the couple

Isaac Perron collaborated with Dr. Lonnie Barbach, co-founder of Happy Couple, couple therapist and bestsead author, to select four ways of evaluating “good love health”, namely: how people evaluate their relationship (via quiz questions) around four key notions which are discouragement, sex, communication and arguments.
Isaac Perron then studied the responses of couples according to these four modes of evaluation. The 3000 questions of the application are divided into 6 distinct categories: sexuality, feelings, information, leisure, responsibilities and communication. Two results stand out in each of the categories: to be similar in certain aspects (alignment) and to know what the partner feels (connection).

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The good health of our couple depends on our good knowledge of our partner (Study)

In the section on communication, “knowing how the partner feels” (good deductions) allowed couples to achieve the best results in the categories of discouragement, communication and arguments. This proves that communication is truly the keystone of a healthy and balanced couple relationship. The good sexual health of a couple also depends on how the partners guess their mutual responses (good deductions) in the category “sexuality”. “According to our study, one of the determining factors for the good sexual health of a couple simply depends on knowing and understanding the sexuality of the other,” says Isaac Perron.

“For Happy Couple, the next step will be to submit daily questions to registered (The good health of our couple depends on our good knowledge of our partner (Study))

couples that allow them to better express their feelings as well as answers that will give them more food for thought,” says Julien Robert. Thanks to our large amount of data, we will soon be able to predict when couples are or are not going in the right direction. And we will be better at adapting our content for each couple more efficiently at the moment T.”

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