“The Great Impersonator” takes second place on the Billboard Hot 200
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“The Great Impersonator“, Halsey's new album, released on October 25th, debuted at second place on the Billboard Hot 200. With 93 thousand units sold, this album marks Halsey's official return after having released three previous tracks from her new era: “Lucky“, “Lonely Is The Muse” and later “Ego“, released in September.
Concept of The Great Impersonator
After releasing his last full album in 2022, with “If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power“, “The Great Impersonator” brings an auditory immersion of Halsey. The pop diva brought elements of pop and pop rock, valuing artists that inspire her in the world of music.
This is because, before the release, she published photos in which she reproduced records by Britney Spears, Aaliyah, Cher, Joni Mitchell, Stevie Nicks and even David Bowie. The song Lucky, for example, features a sample from Britney's track of the same name, authorized by the artist herself. The song from the album “Oops!…. I Did It Again” served as inspiration for Halsey, because, according to her, when she listened to it at age 5 it seemed like Britney was singing directly to her.
Clip for “Ego”, one of the tracks from the album “The Great Impersonator” (Video: reproduction/Youtube/Halsey)
Journey through Halsey's life
“The Great Impersonator” brings Halsey's journey of overcoming. With an open heart, in one of the tracks “The End“, she talks about how lucky she is to be alive, after in June this year the singer went public to talk about a complicated period in her life, the diagnosis of lupus and a lymphoproliferative cell disorder.
Halsey previously confessed that the album was produced in the space between life and death. With that, in the track that titles the album, she talks about her rebirth, both personally and in the world of music, saying that she was able to get herself together “like a little Frankenstein”.
In addition to the difficult period in her life, the singer also manages to address issues such as self-esteem and the ability to love someone, creating an intimate and reflective album. By bringing classic elements and exploring different sounds, The Great Impersonator brings a new Halsey to both audiences who already knew her and those who are getting to know her after the release of her new work.
Featured photo: Halsey for The Great Impersonator (Reproduction/Instagram/@iamhalsey)
“The Great Impersonator” takes second place on the Billboard Hot 200
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“The Great Impersonator” takes second place on the Billboard Hot 200