Top 10 sentences to say only at the beginning of the relationship

beginning of the relationship
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beginning of the relationship

At the beginning of a relationship, it is the top of the top of the top: it’s so ammmaaazzinngg! We feel like we’re growing wings, we’re happy for nothing, we’re mean and we don’t understand anything about what’s going on but in any case: it’s really great with HIM! (I would like to make it clear straight away that this “on” generalizes my remarks and that I do not include all women in any way.

You never know, they’re still going to fall on me tssss, virtual slaps). In short, we are “Gaga” like Lady and we have more than anything desire to seduce our new guy to prove oh how lucky he is to have fallen on us because “you see, I am not like all the others, I am super easy to live”.


Go hop: top 10 sentences to say only at the beginning of the relationship

1) I always sleep naked, I find it unpleasant pajamas not you? #jesuissexyallthetime

Going out to the club with your boyfriend

After: No, but here I put one because it’s winter. Long after: yes bah on Sunday it’s pilou-pilou my Cabbage you take me with or with!

2) I love doing nothing but dipping my eyes into yours? #jemennuiejamaisavectoi

After:why don’t we have anything to say to each other? Before we told each other a lot of stuff!

3) We go to the cinema? Choose the film, do I trust you? #jesuistotalinlove

After: Transformers 18 y’en a marre! ( beginning of the relationship )

4) I love your little hack, it’s all fluffy  #tessimignonmignonmignonmaisgrosmaisgrosgrosgros

After: you’re a whale doing a diet!

5) I like your friends, they are super nice #Tantquetulesvoispastrop

After: You prefer your friends assholes to me, go mumuse with them and abandon me once again.

6) I thought back to last night all day, it was my most beautiful night.. #excited

After: I just thought of something there: you got rid of the dishwasher before leaving?

7) Relax my love, I will make food. #prendspastroplaconfiance

After: Well, when do we eat? It’s not going to leather all by itself! ( beginning of the relationship )

8) I love your style of music, you have a lot of taste! #jailesoreillesbouchées

After: We can put my song stp because your beauf music goes five minutes!

9) How did you learn to play the guitar? #tropadmirative

How to get rid of your ex? Beautiful ways

After: I can more of your guitar! Go play in the garage!

10) I’ve never felt that way for anyone? #jetaime

After: I love you, and you? 

First reaction from a reader ( beginning of the relationship )

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