Top software to create PDF proposals online
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Anyone who works in insurance knows that an organized budget is a key factor in concluding a negotiation. Check out the top software for creating PDF proposals online.
One of the main tasks of a car insurance broker is to prepare the proposal document that is sent to the client. In this sense, a good tip for brokers is to use software to create PDF proposals online.
To facilitate your search, in addition to a lightweight and functional PDF editor program, with very interesting features for brokers, we recommend website options for creating PDFs online. Want to check it out? Discover some options available to use today!

Image: Freepik
If you do not want to depend on having the internet available to prepare a proposal in PDF online, the suggestion is to have complete software to install on your own PC. Among the best-known programs on the market, PDFelement stands out for several factors.
PDFelement is a PDF editor that presents a series of useful features for an insurance broker. In a simple to use interface, the user can create a document from scratch, open and convert files from other formats or edit an existing PDF.
In PDFelement it is possible to insert comments, an interesting function for insurance agencies that have several professionals working together. Furthermore, the program features a signature insertion tool, making it easier for contracts to be concluded even remotely.
The main reason why you should consider installing a program like PDFelement on your computer is the security of not depending on an internet connection to work. Even though operators have started 5g coverage in Brazil, this technology (and the previous network, 4g) is still limited and can interfere with the quality of your work.
The first option among the top software for editing PDF online is the HiPDF platform. This is a website that has some editing features, allowing a user to upload and edit their file online.

One of the main functions of HiPDF is to convert a file of different formats to PDF and vice versa. Thus, it is possible to transform Word, PPT and Excel documents into PDF, or convert a PDF to these formats.
In practice, you can edit a PDF by transforming it into an open file and, after making the necessary edits, saving it back to PDF.
On the plus side, HiPDF works on all operating systems and can be used in your smartphone's browser. In a country where there are more than 230 million active smartphones, this accessibility makes all the difference.
I Love PDF
Another possibility among the top software for editing PDF online, making life easier for insurance brokers who need to create a proposal for their client, is I Love PDF.

Image: I Love PDF
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It is an online platform with resources capable of converting a PDF to different formats, in addition to allowing the user to make simple edits online.
In I Love PDF you can split a file, delete pages and even rotate the PDF view. You can also turn a PDF into Word, Excel, PPT or JPEG.
Not all functions are free, and the page offers a subscription plan. However, this can be a good option in times of urgency.
To create PDF proposals, you can also rely on the PDFescape online platform. On this website, the user can create a PDF, import a file ready to edit or even download a document from the internet via a link.

Image: PDFescape
When opening a PDF document in PDFescape, you can delete parts of the text, insert images, highlight parts of the document with the highlighter tool, remove pages, or add links.
On the downside, PDFescape is entirely in English. Therefore, if you do not have knowledge of the language, you may have a challenging experience using this platform.
The ideal format for insurance proposals
Knowing the top online PDF editor software and a program option to install on the computer, the insurance broker already has the necessary tools to prepare good proposals.
It is always advisable for brokers to use PDF as the format for their proposals, as editing and opening them are more difficult. In programs like PDFelement, for example, you can enter a password so that only your client has access to the proposal file.
Furthermore, PDF is a format accepted by official bodies, which guarantees the validity of contract signatures, an added security for those who work as brokers.
And since PDF is the ideal format for insurance proposals, it is up to the broker to use the best tools at the moment to prepare personalized quotes for each client. Technology in favor of the profession!
Top software to create PDF proposals online
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Top software to create PDF proposals online
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Top software to create PDF proposals online