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Toxic relationship
Since I created, many people have been writing to me about their destructive relationships. Many couples do not get out of the impasse in which they have gone without realizing it. And, many women and men live in toxic relationships that no longer make them happy. So today, that’s what we’re going to talk about. Toxic relationship: The steps to get out of it and move forward.
Toxic relationship: What is it?
All relationships are different, so it is not easy to define precisely what a toxic relation-ship is. One could say that a toxic relationship is a relationship with a narcissistic pervert ,a manipulator in love, a violent person who beats his spouse. Yes, indeed, in these three cases, we are talking about a toxic relationship.
But toxic relationships can also be more subtle. A toxic relation-ship can also be due to a great lack of trust of one of the two partners, repeated lies, adultery. A to-xic relationship is in any case a relationship that can not bring you anything good. It may be that you had a wonderful time together and that you really loved each other. But today, the relation-ship is quite different because it has become toxic.
Signs of a toxic relationship:
A toxic person will harm you, make you suffer, humiliate you, demean you. She will not acknowledge her wrongs, feel no empathy or regret. It will not question itself.
You can read my article on 7 signs that prove that your partner is toxic. A toxic person will use emotional blackmail to excess. It will despise you, judge you, jealously, manipulate you.
Toxic relationship: a pattern that repeats itself
Be aware that, very often, the toxic relationship is unfortunately a pattern that repeats itself.
In childhood, you lived in a dysfunctional family that led you to emotional dependence. All your life, you have believed that to be loved you have to please. As a child, you had to do this or that to receive love from your mother, father or parents. Today, in your love life, you repeat the same thing. You think that to be loved by your partner, you have to live up to their love. And so you accept the unacceptable.