Travessia: Brisa and Oto’s bizarre reunion becomes a joke
Just imagine: you are robbed, your son is run over by a bicycle, he is injured and ends up in the hospital. As if that weren’t enough, he doesn’t even have the right to go into the emergency room with him because of his grandmother’s petulance.
In the midst of this chaos, your Prince Charming appears and you live happily ever after, with you laughing. That’s exactly what happened to Breeze (Lucy Alves) in the episode this Thursday, April 27, on “Travessia”, Globo.
For the viewer who had his eyes glued to the screen, it was even possible to understand what Gloria Perez I wanted to pass by the scene, but whoever blinked between one second and another got completely lost.
At one point, the woman from Maranhão was in the hospital, desperate at the door of the emergency room, because she couldn’t see her son. Shortly after, laughing and dancing under a storm that started abruptly.
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For a more attentive eye, it was possible to perceive the catharsis in which Tonho’s mother (Vicente Alvite) plunged. In general, the public was really lost.
In the middle of all this, Bia (Clara Buarque) accompanies the whole scene, decides to call Oto (Romulo Estrela) and ask him to go to the hospital. The hacker has enough time to take the car, arrive at the location and still find his beloved whirling around in the rain.
Read+: Bia provokes reconciliation between Oto and Brisa
Finally, in a swashbuckling cliché moment, the two run into each other in the rain and kiss, giving in to the love they have so deprived themselves of in recent months. Finally, Brisa went from horror to romance in two minutes of soap opera.
The internet has not forgiven the completely clueless scene. Even those who supported the couple realized that something was not right there. The production exaggerated – a lot – in this forced reunion. And the audience expected the romantic scene, but not in such a timeless context.
Obviously, the couple’s fans also celebrated this reunion. With good reason, it was their moment after all. It just happened at the wrong time.
Travessia: Brisa and Oto’s bizarre reunion becomes a joke
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