Tudum 2024: Netflix will release more free cans today (18)! See timetable and how to get it
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Netflix revealed that it will carry out a new distribution of gifts from the Um Tudum Para Cada Um promotion this Friday afternoon (18). The news was confirmed by the company after great demand from fans for the cans, which generated an online queue with more than a million people.
Interested parties must access the same website as yesterday (www.umtudumpracadaum.com/) from 4:30 pm. Netflix highlighted that people who got a freebie yesterday won't be able to get it againas only one can per CPF is valid.
This year, the giveaways include four themed cans of the streaming platform's most popular films and series.
Themed cans come with gifts from Netflix original series
According to Netflix, the themes are divided for four types of audiences: for eternal romantics, for those who live in the world of magic, for fearless adventurers and for those who love a good suspense.
High demand took the website offline
With the distribution of gifts scheduled to begin at 3pm yesterday, the Netflix website went offline minutes before the scheduled time. The page presented the errors “504 and 502 Badgateway”, due to the large volume of accesses.
When it returned to the air, the page added a countdown of another thirty minutes to begin releasing the queue. The campaign ended around 5pm, with the cans sold out.
Tudum 2024: Netflix will release more free cans today (18)! See timetable and how to get it
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Tudum 2024: Netflix will release more free cans today (18)! See timetable and how to get it