Understand the advantages of electric epilators
Waxing is a frequent procedure for some people who don’t like hair, as they tend to accumulate dead cells and dirt on the skin, which contributes to both acne, blemishes and dryness. And after depilation the area is smooth, clean and with a freshness session. There are many options such as blade, laser, hot or cold wax, electric epilator, among others are methods used to remove unwanted hair.
Electric epilator or epilator machine, is a device that helps to clean more conveniently and without harming the skin. Its advantage makes it possible to do a wax-like depilation. The device pulls the hair by the root, preventing its rapid growth, making it more practical and less expensive for frequent cleaning.
Its spring-loaded operation helps prevent the dreaded ingrown hairs from appearing by pulling directly from the root. Another interesting factor is that it can be used in different areas of the body such as: arms, groin, armpits, legs and face, which makes it very versatile and promising.
Electric epilators (Video: Reproduction/ Lari Carvalho/ YouTube)
In addition to being effective and practical, the electric epilator has many accessories that allow the possibility of using it in different ways and each model has different accessories, such as massager, exfoliator, cutter, among others.
However, any type of depilation has an effective method, but it depends on the place to be depilated and the amount of hair. Hot waxes can cause burns, avoid doing it at home, however, in general, the procedure that involves the least risk is the blade and the most uncomfortable is the cold wax.
Market research was carried out and the 4 best brands of electric epilators were selected, namely: the bivolt electric epilator Aquaskin by mondial; the electric epilator and remover by Satinelle Essential, Philips; to the epilator, Aqua Deluxe Pdp02r by Philco and the Philips Satinelle Bivolt epilator with Philips ceramic discs.
Featured photo: Electric epilator. Playback/ Mega Depil/ Pinterest
Understand the advantages of electric epilators
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