Unreleased trailer reveals epic meeting of heroines in The Marvels! Release scheduled for November 10th in theaters.

by Xavier Catherine
Unreleased trailer reveals epic meeting of heroines in The Marvels!

Unreleased trailer reveals epic meeting of heroines in The Marvels! Release scheduled for November 10th in theaters.
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Scheduled to premiere in theaters on November 10, “The Marvels” has already received a promotional trailer. This Thursday (31), Marvel released an unprecedented preview of the film that shows a retrospective of each of the characters – Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan (Iman Vellani), Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) and Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris).

Directed by Nia DaCosta (from “Candyman”), the feature film will mark the first meeting of the three characters: Ms. Marvel, Captain Marvel and Fóton.

Nia recently gave an interview to Empire giving details of how this union occurred, “The Marvels” will be like sisters in a misfit family – “Carol is the oldest, the prodigy; Then we have the middle sister, Monica, who Carol has known since she was little and who she promised she would return to, but never did. (…) Kamala is the youngest, who didn’t have the experience of growing up with her sister, but idolizes her.”

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Official Trailer “The Marvels” (Photo: Reproduction/Marvel Brasil/ YouTube)

Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, took revenge on the Supreme Intelligence after recovering her identity, as a consequence, the protagonist bears the burden of a destabilized universe.

The Captain's duties take her to an anomalous wormhole linked to the revolutionary Kree, when her powers mix with those of Jersey City superfan Kamala Khan and Ms. Marvel; and Captain Monica Rambeau (Carol's distant niece) a SABER astronaut

This unlikely trio will need to learn to work as a team to save the universe. The story was continued in the series “Ms. Marvel” from Disney+, which ended with a scene showing Captain Marvel in Kamala Khan's room.

Technical Sheet

Official publicity photo (Photo: Reproduction/ Marvel)

Megan McDonnell is responsible for the script along with Elissa Karasik (Loki), WandaVision, Zeb Wells (Amazing Spider-Man) and the film's director Nia DaCosta.

The cast features Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury, Zawe Ashton as the annihilating villain. In addition to talents such as: Gary Lewis, Zenobia Shroff, Park Seo-Jun, Mohan Kapur and Saagar Shaikh, promising a captivating feature for the audience.

Featured photo: Official publicity photo for the film “The Marvels”. Reproduction/Actual News.

Unreleased trailer reveals epic meeting of heroines in The Marvels! Release scheduled for November 10th in theaters.

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Unreleased trailer reveals epic meeting of heroines in The Marvels! Release scheduled for November 10th in theaters.

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