Used car insurance price tables

by Xavier Catherine
Used car insurance price tables

Used car insurance price tables
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The price of used car insurance can be low and an incentive to have this type of protection.

Used cars are on the streets and becoming more valuable, however, many of their owners think that because they are not new, they do not attract attention and are exempt from theft or other types of problems.

The truth is that any vehicle can suffer an accident and car insurance will be of great value if this happens.

There are different types of insurance that can be taken out, so it is necessary to choose the one that best meets the driver's needs.

Traditional insurance offers more complete protection and is usually intended for vehicles that have been used for less time.

For those who have a car that has been in circulation for over 5 years, they can opt for popular car insurance, which offers a more affordable price, but with more restricted coverage.

It doesn't matter what type of protection you hire for the car, as long as it is not uncovered.

So that you can have an idea of ​​the insurance values ​​for used cars, we have separated some examples, so you can plan ahead to get yours.

Used car insurance price

Image: Getty

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Tables used car insurance price

The insurance value is calculated based on the price of used cars, driver's age, length of driving license, coverage contracted, among others.

Check out the Used car price list for each year. See how to get an average of how much you will pay for security protection cheap and most expensive cars!

Used car insurance value 2021

Model Driver profile Location Price
TRACKER Premier 1.2 Turbo 12V Flex Aut. 2021 Female, 34 years old Paraná R$ 3,553.60
Saveiro Robust 1.6 Total Flex 8V CD 2021 Male, 30 years old Mato Grosso BRL 2,995.35
SANDERO Zen Flex 1.0 12V 5p Mec. 2021 Female, 29 years old São Paulo R$ 2,472.04
DUSTER Intense 1.6 16V Flex Aut. 2021 Male, 48 years old Pernambuco R$ 1,758.51
Grand Siena ATTRACTIVE 1.0 Flex 8V 4p 2021 Female, 53 years old Rio de Janeiro R$ 2,309.10

Car insurance price for used cars 2020

Model Driver profile Location Price
Onyx Hatch Ltz 1.0 12V Tb Flex 5P Aut. 2020 Male, 21 years old Ceará BRL 2,734.98
Hb20 launch Edition 1.6 Flex 16V Aut. 2020 Female, 48 years old Paraná BRL 2,543.86
road Freedom 1.4 Flex 8V CD 2020 Female, 74 years old Tocantins BRL 2,566.77
Gol 1.0 Flex 12V 5P 2020 Male, 34 years old Amazon R$ 2,174.11
Ka 1.5 Freestyle 12V Flex 5P Author 2020 Male, 34 years old São Paulo R$ 2,348.50

Auto insurance value for used cars 2019

Model Driver profile Location Price
Argo Drive 1.0 6V Flex 2019 Female, 37 years old Holy Spirit R$ 2,164.71
Renegade Sport 1.8 4X2 Flex 16V Aut. 2019 Female, 33 years old Santa Catarina BRL 2,700.47
Compass Longitude 2.0 4X4 Dies. 16V Author 2019 Female, 51 years old Federal District BRL 4,125.38
Tracker Premier 1.4 Turbo 16V Flex Author 2019 Male, 56 years old Rio de Janeiro BRL 3,096.68
Crete Attitude 1.6 16V Flex Mec. 2019 Female, 30 years old Amazon R$ 2,078.14

Used car insurance price 2018

Model Driver profile Location Price
road Working Hard 1.4 Fire Flex 8V Ce 2018 Male, 34 years old Mato Grosso do Sul R$ 2,180.42
ONIX HATCH LTZ 1.4 8V FlexPower 5p Aut. 2018 Female, 36 years old Pernambuco BRL 2,512.29
Argo Drive 1.3 8V Flex 2018 Male, 81 years old Rio Grande do Sul R$ 1,936.40
Renegade 1.8 4×2 Flex 16V Mec. 2017 Male, 32 years old São Paulo BRL 2,250.27
Torus Freedom 1.8 16V Flex Author 2018 Female, 40 years old Santa Catarina R$ 2,462.44

Used car insurance value 2017

Model Driver profile Location Price
HB20X style 1.6 Flex 16V Aut. 2017 Female, 23 years old Minas Gerais BRL 2,831.59
Goal Trendline 1.6 T.Flex 8V 5p 2017 Female, 73 years old Santa Catarina R$ 1,494.14
Ka 1.0 Ticvt Flex 5P 5P 2017 Female, 44 years old Paraná R$ 1,889.73
Torus Freedom 1.8 16V Flex Aut. 2017 Male, 72 years old Rio Grande do Sul BRL 4,324.28
COMPASS LONGITUDE 2.0 4×2 Flex 16V Aut. 2017 Female, 49 years old Ceará BRL 2,385.45

Used car insurance price 2016

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Hr V Lx 4X2 1.8 16V 5P Flex Aut 2016Male, 51 years oldMeadows – MgR$ 1,937.27
Uno Sporting 1.4 Evo Fire Flex 2016Male, 38 years oldRio de Janeiro – RJR$ 1,958.15
Up Take 1.0 Total Flex 12V 5P 2016Female, 38 years oldJuiz De Fora – MgR$ 2,083.80
Etios Xls SD 1.5 2016Male, 57 years oldSalvador BAR$ 1,741.14
Fiesta 1.5 16V Flex Mec. 5P 2016Female, 38 years oldTiradentes – MgR$ 2,125.16
Chevrolet S10 2015: photos and prices

Used car insurance value 2015

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Crossfox 1.6 16V Flex 4P 2015Female, 67 years oldResende Costa – Minas GeraisR$ 1,969.60
Voyage Trendline 1.6 T.Flex 8V 4P 2015Male, 67 years oldSão Sebastião – SPR$ 2,232.32
Up Black White Red 1.0 12V A G. 4P 2015Male, 23 years oldBauruR$ 1,707.13
Ecosport Se 1.6 16V Flex 2015Male, 36 years oldCuritiba – PRBRL 4,271.34
Siena El Celebration 1.4 Mpi Fire Flex 8V 4P 2015Male, 60 years oldItapecerica Da Serra – SpR$ 1,775.33

Auto insurance value for used cars 2014

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Uno Vivace 1.0 Evo Fire Flex 2014Male, 55 years oldLondrina – PRR$ 2,382.66
Up Black White Red 1.0 T. Flex 12V 5P 2014Male, 53 years oldSão PauloR$ 1,261.08
Etios Sedan X 1.5 16V Flex 2014Female, 30 years oldCuritibaR$ 2,064.76
Ecosport Freestyle 1.6 16V Flex 5P 2014Female, 54 years oldPresidente Prudente – SPR$ 2,126.22
Fiesta Tit. Tit.Plus 1.6 16V Flex Aut. 2014Male, 35 years oldUberlandia – MgR$ 2,041.34

Used car insurance price 2013

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Voyage Comf Highli. 1.6 Mi T.Flex 8V 4P 2013Male, 32 years oldCuritibaR$ 1,977.82
Uno Vivace Celeb. 1.0 Evo F.Flex 8V 5P 2013Female, 26 years oldSao Paulo-SPBRL 1,572.65
Hilux Cd Srv D4 D 4X4 3.0 Tdi Diesel Aut 2013Male, 82 years oldPederneiras – SPR$ 4,008.87
Etios Hatch Xls 1.5 16V Flex AG 4P 2013Female, 53 years oldSao Paulo-SPBRL 2,578.77
Fiesta 1.6 8V Flex Class 1.6 8V Flex 5P 2013Female, 52 years oldSão PauloBRL 2,211.86
Tabela de preços do seguro DPVAT 2024

Used car insurance value 2012

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Crossfox 1.6 T. Flex 16V 5P 2012Female, 66 years oldPresidente Prudente – SPBRL 2,963.93
S10 Pick Up Exec. 2.8 4X4 Cd Tb Int.Dies 2012Male, 56 years oldSão Gabriel Da Palha – EsR$ 2,766.10
Ecosport Xlt Freestyle 1.6 8V Flex AG 4P 2012Female, 46 years oldPederneiras (SP)R$ 1,299.32
Siena El 1.4 Mpi Fire Flex 8V 4P 2012Female, 29 years oldJuiz De Fora – MgR$ 1,576.54
Palio Attractive 1.4 Evo Fire Flex 8V 5P 5P 2012Male, 62 years oldUberlandia – MgBRL 961.16

Used car insurance price 2011

ModelDriver profileLocationPrice
Crossfox 1.6 Mi Total Flex 8V 5P 2011Male, 51 years oldDores De Campos – MgR$ 1,943.29
Hilux Cd Srv D4 D 4X4 3.0 Tdi Diesel Aut 2011Male, 46 years oldItapecerica Da Serra – SpR$ 3,793.66
S10 P Up Executive 2.4 Mpfi F.Power Cd 4P 2011Male, 58 years oldUberlandia – MgR$ 2,177.60
Ecosport Fsl 1.6 Flex 2011Male, 42 years oldEmbu-guacu – SpR$ 1,500.35
Siena El 1.0 Mpi Fire Flex 8V 4P 2011Female, 42 years oldCuritibaR$ 1,641.97
As causas mais comuns de acidentes de carro e como preveni-los

*Source: Segfy

It is important to know that the price of used cars also influences the cost of insurance. Furthermore, the price of car insurance is calculated based on different factors.

These include the driver's profile, vehicle inspection and contracted coverage. Another factor that influences is the value of the asset according to the Fipe Table, since, in the event of theft, the car insurance company will have to compensate for the asset.

For example, if the value in the Fipe Table of the stolen property is one 20 thousand car and the contract specifies exactly the reimbursement of the total amount, so the insurance company will have to pay the customer what is specified in the contract.

Therefore, the values ​​in the tables above are for reference purposes only, as different risks assumed by insurers are analyzed before determining the price.

Every car insurance quote in the tables was provided by real drivers. However, you can get the exact amount you will pay to protect your car by getting a personalized quote.

How to get cheap car insurance?

There are different ways to get cheap car insurance, whether for a used or new car.

Among them, taking out car insurance in a woman's name usually generates savings, as car insurers understand that women are more cautious when driving. Therefore, because they are less involved in accidents compared to men, the risk of the insurance company having to pay out some amount on the claim is lower.

Furthermore, it is possible to save on car insurance by having a good driving profile. In other words, having a history as a driver who is not involved in accidents, among others.

You can also take out the cheapest car insurance if you have a good profile, such as a driver's license for years, live in a place with a low rate of theft and vehicle theft, have a covered garage, park the vehicle in a private location, among others.

But, if you choose to purchase a personalized plan, you can also save on car insurance. To do this, simply ask your insurance broker, at the time of the insurance quote, for a plan in which you can add or remove some coverage. This way you will only pay for what you deem necessary.

Furthermore, we recommend that, when making an insurance quote, you quote with more than one insurance company. With this you will be able to compare not only the price charged, but the protections that are part of the contract.

Therefore, it doesn't matter whether the quote is for a used car or a new one, whether it is for protection of cheap or expensive cars, by following the tips above you will be able to contract a more economical plan.

Take advantage and make a personalized quote here to find out what car insurance price!

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* Afrilatest is not responsible for the amounts mentioned here, as the price of insurance may vary depending on the profile of each driver.

Used car insurance price tables

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Used car insurance price tables


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