Vanessa Lopes cries after showing her face with an acne attack

by Clare Dominic
Vanessa Lopes cries after showing her face with an acne

Vanessa Lopes cries after showing her face with an acne attack
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This Monday (28), Vanessa Lopes appeared to her Instagram followers showing her natural skin, without makeup and filters. In stories, the 23-year-old influencer posted a video to show what her face looks like with an acne attack. Bursting into tears, she said: “I can't take it anymore. If I could choose not to leave the house, I would choose not to leave. There's no way I can choose this. Well, two months and 10 days.”

Influencer talks about the impact of acne on self-esteem

The former BBB member had already reported that her self-esteem was shaken due to an acne crisis, which is already being treated with medical supervision and strong medication. In the publication, she says that she planned to record a video of Beetlejuice's artistic makeup, but that there was no way to hide the appearance of the pimples with makeup: “I looked in the mirror and I felt like a monster!”

Vanessa explained that she decided to vent about what she is feeling, as people think she is dealing with the situation well: “I think this is the most sincere video I've made so far about this problem. I post and it seems like I'm not caring, trying to give strength, but how am I going to give strength if I don't even have strength?”, she explained.

Vanessa Lopes vents on social media (Video: reproduction/Youtube/Splash)

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Rumors and causes of the skin condition

Afterwards, she also reported feeling uncomfortable with speculation about the supposed cause of her acne: “My doctors know the cause, they know the psychiatric medications I take, my diet, Roaccutane, there’s nothing they can do.”

Acne is a disease that can be related to several factors, such as hormonal issues, genetics, diet and lifestyle habits. Other reasons that can trigger the condition are the use of some medications and vitamin supplements, stressful situations and even the influence of cosmetics.

There are different degrees of acne and, according to experts, Vanessa appears to have grade III, a condition in which the patient presents larger, painful, deeper and inflamed lesions. “It sounds silly, but it really affects someone’s self-esteem, and also, pimples hurt a lot”says the influencer.

In addition to the skin condition, she deals with the diagnosis of acute psychosis. In September this year, the tiktoker exposed the fight against acne and explained that the problem was triggered by an allergic reaction due to a medication she took.

Featured photo: Vanessa Lopes (Reproduction/Instagram/@vanessalopesr_)

Vanessa Lopes cries after showing her face with an acne attack

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Vanessa Lopes cries after showing her face with an acne attack

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