Vegetable garden at home come running to learn

With planting and how to grow vegetables, your own vegetable garden at home. Come running to learn this delicious activity, see below
Cities show on terraces and balconies, less flowers and more vegetables: vegetable gardens in pots proliferate with ecological awareness and interest in food, and that is very good!
Pots should be as large as possible, although some vegetables such as lettuce or onions can grow well in small pots, as long as they don’t lack water.
In general, you should look for containers with a depth of between 20 and 40 cm so that the roots can develop well.
In this way, the best results are obtained with large pots, as they maintain more constant humidity and the roots overheat less.
The white vases, ideal for the summer, as they keep the roots cooler.
The black ones, which absorb the sun’s heat, are more suitable for the cold months.
With a little imagination, you can recycle many containers to use them as flower pots: water jugs, old bathtubs, plasticized cloth bags from the supermarket… Just make some holes in the bottom to facilitate drainage.
These substrate mixes are especially suitable for planting in containers. Rich in nutrients and have a great capacity to retain water, in this way it reduces the need for watering and ensures that the vegetables have all the food they need.
Grow tables allow you to grow a wide variety of vegetables in a small space. Even the elderly or people with mobility issues can work on them.
These tables, filled with a very nutritious mixture of substrates, normally composed of coconut fiber and compost vermi (the humus that earthworms produce when they digest organic matter and one of the most complete ecological fertilizers).
It is the basic element, without it there is no growth. In general, the south orientation is best because the more daily hours of sun the terrace has, the better the plants will grow. Fruits, mainly tomatoes and peppers, produce very little if they don’t have abundant insolation.
But if the balcony faces north, don’t be discouraged either. Although they grow more slowly, it is also possible to grow vegetables. The vegetables that best survive on terraces with few hours of sunlight are generally leafy and root vegetables: spinach, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, turnips, leeks, radishes, chard, endive, broad beans, peas, strawberries and many aromatics such as parsley, coriander, mint, basil and oregano.
It is the main care that a garden needs, especially when the plants grow in pots, where the amount of moisture available is much lower than in the soil.
In spring and autumn, unless it rains, you need to water the plants every two or three days, while in summer watering should be daily.
A good idea is to install a drip irrigation system and connect it to the faucet through a programmer that turns on the water for some time every day.
Plants regularly receive what they need, water saved and freedom gained.
There is very little soil in a pot and, unless we have prepared an extremely nutrient-rich substrate, it will probably be necessary to add some fertilizer during the growth cycle.
Solid organic fertilizers, such as manure, guano, compost or worm humus, are usually mixed with the substrate when filling the pots. If you need to add more during growth, just spread it on the soil and the irrigation water takes care of taking the nutrients to the roots.
Liquid fertilizers are supplied dissolved in the irrigation water and their effect is much faster, although of a shorter duration.
Healthy, well-fed plants have intense green leaves, but when nutrients are scarce, the green color becomes lighter and, if the deficiency is prolonged, it can even turn yellow.
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Vegetable garden at home come running to learn
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Vegetable garden at home come running to learn