Viviane Araújo attends godson’s birthday party
Viviane Araujo This weekend he attended the birthday party of his godson, Davi, son of his assistant Debora Martinez and Jaime Martinez. The famous actress was accompanied by her husband, Guilherme Militão, and her ten-month-old son, Joaquim.
“Ten months of the most beautiful love in the world! Our baby Joca tigrão! Son, daddy and I wish you many blessings in your life! Be very happy, my love!

Days ago, the artist even made an outburst about motherhood.
“I’m living the great adventure of motherhood, the one that never ends and moves us every day! Son, seeing you smile is what makes me happy! You make me want to be a better person every day. I know that God has blessed me to be the best mother you could ever need, and I thank Him every day for your life!”
Viviane Araújo attends godson’s birthday party
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