Wandinha actor claims innocence after accusations of abuse and harassment
the actor of the series Wandinha, Percy Hynes White, recently spoke through her social networks about the accusations of harassment and sexual abuse that began to circulate earlier this year.
In the publication on his instagram White who plays Xavier made a point of emphasizing that he is being the target of fake news: “As a result, my family has had information leaked and my friends and people around me have received numerous death threats.“.. ” Also, pictures of me as a kid were used, and moments of my acting were presented as hateful. My friend Jane was falsely portrayed as a victim, and her attempts to speak the truth were ignored by everyone. She authorized to include her in this message“.
Then he said: “The rumors are false. I cannot accept being portrayed as a person who is prejudiced or who criminally neglects the safety of others, including minors. It’s allegations like these that create mistrust around victims. It is disturbing to know that this misinformation has hurt people. I am very grateful to everyone who supported me and helped me spread the facts. Harassment of my family, friends and co-workers urgently needs to stop“.
Percy Hynes White (Playback/Instagram/@percy)
It is worth remembering that in January, a girl, through a publication on twitter, accused the actor of sexually abusing her at an event in Toronto, Canada. In the publication, the woman said that in addition to her, other girls may also have been victims of Percy Hynes White. In the report, the girl said that the actor was supplying alcohol and drugs to minors in order to maintain sexual intercourse. The twitter has been deleted.
After the girl’s complaint, fans of the series began to demand the removal of the actor from the cast of Wandinha. However, neither Netflix nor the production have commented on the case.
The series has already been renewed for a second season.
Featured photo: Percy Hynes White. Playback/Instagram/@percy
Wandinha actor claims innocence after accusations of abuse and harassment
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