what caused the hospitalization of Viih Tube and Eliezer's son

by stephen Douglas
what caused the hospitalization of Viih Tube and Eliezer's son

what caused the hospitalization of Viih Tube and Eliezer's son
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Newborn Ravi Di Fedice, son of former BBBs Eliezer and Viih Tube, was discharged from the hospital last Saturday (14), after weeks of hospitalization due to enterocolitis, a lesion in the internal region of the intestine that can be serious, especially in newborns and premature babies, and can cause serious complications , including the need for surgical interventions in more serious cases. The hospital issued a bulletin informing about his condition, and Eliezer described his son's situation when he was hospitalized in a post: “His case has been very challenging”he stated.

Causes of hospitalization

The Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein press office announced that Ravi, son of former Big Brother Brasil (BBB) ​​participants Eliezer and Viih Tubewas discharged on Saturday (14) after 20 days of hospitalization due to enterocolitis, an inflammation of the digestive tract, which can be caused by viral, bacterial, parasitic or fungal infections. The couple initially did not reveal details that led to the hospitalization on November 25th, however, Eliezer revealed that the baby's situation has been challenging since his birth on November 11th.

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Necrotizing enterocolitis

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Newborn in Neonatal ICU (Photo: Reproduction/Momen Faiz/Anadolu/Getty Images Embed)

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is an inflammatory condition that mainly affects newborns and premature babies. According to data from the NGO Prematuridade.com website, the exact causes of the disease are not yet completely understood.

However, one of the possible causes is inadequate blood supply to the intestine, which can lead to intestinal damage. This allows bacteria to invade the damaged intestinal wall, producing gas. In more serious cases, the intestinal tissue can perforate, resulting in the invasion of intestinal contents into the abdominal cavity and causing local infections, such as peritonitis, or even sepsis, which is a generalized infection.

Evolution of the clinical picture

According to Hospital Infantil Sabará, the evolution of enterocolitis is variable, ranging from mild conditions, treatable with clinical care, to extremely rare and severe forms, which can result in the removal of a large part of the intestine through surgery.

The condition is considered a frequent and dangerous gastrointestinal emergency in the neonatal period, affecting between 0.1% and 0.7% of live births and around 7% of babies admitted to neonatal ICUs. The condition occurs in approximately 5% to 8% of very low birth weight babies, such as 1.5 kg or less. Although enterocolitis is a common gastrointestinal emergency, 70% of cases do not require surgery.

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Symptoms and Warning Signs

Babies with enterocolitis generally cannot tolerate feeding, in addition to having abdominal distension, and it is possible for them to vomit bile or pass blood. In situations of sepsis (generalized infection), symptoms may include lethargy (energy levels below normal) and hypothermia (when body temperature drops below 35ºC).

Featured Photo: Ravi, on his mother's lap, ex-BBBs Eliezer (Reproduction/Instagram/@ViihTube)

what caused the hospitalization of Viih Tube and Eliezer's son

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what caused the hospitalization of Viih Tube and Eliezer's son

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