What is Pixel Art? The retro style continues to win over fans

by stephen Douglas
What is Pixel Art? The retro style continues to win

What is Pixel Art? The retro style continues to win over fans
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If you've played an indie game recently or grew up with consoles from the NES, Sega Genesis or even in the heyday of arcades, you certainly came across the pixel art.

And, let's face it, you can't help but love that retro charm, full of nostalgia, that transports anyone back to the good times of 8-bit and 16-bit games.

But, after all, what is pixel art? Quite simply, it is digital art that is literally constructed “point by point”. Each pixel is an artistic decision, creating images that look like blocks of color when seen up close, but that, from a distance, form complete scenes, characters and worlds.

In games of Super Mario Bros. or Sonic the Hedgehogfor example, these small squares became global icons, with every detail of the characters being meticulously placed, considering the graphical limitations of the time.

The origin of pixel art

Popularization came in the 80s and 90s, with the explosion of 8-bit consoles, such as the NES and the Master System, which brought us gems like The Legend of Zelda and Mega Man. The evolution towards 16-bit, with consoles like Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesisbrought even more complexity and beauty, giving life to even more detailed worlds, like those of Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid.

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Pixel Art in the modern world of games

Now, you might be thinking, “Okay, pixel art was amazing back then, but what is it still doing in 2024, in a world of ray tracing and 4K graphics?” The answer is simple: it never went out of fashion. It's like those jeans you love — classic, timeless and always stylish.

The success of games like Stardew Valley, Shovel Knight and Heavenly showed that pixel art is not just a reminder of the past, but a legitimate and powerful artistic choice. These games, with their vibrant color palettes and high-quality animations, prove that you don't need hyper-realistic graphics to tell exciting stories or create immersive gaming experiences.

And let's face it, pixel art brings a feeling of comfort, a simplicity that makes us focus more on the gameplay and less on the graphics. How many times have you been dazzled by the visuals of a AAA game, but felt bored by the lack of creativity in the gameplay? In pixel art, developers focus on the essential: fun.

The process of creating pixel art

Creating pixel art is almost like putting together a puzzle — except each piece is a tiny square, and you need to know exactly where to place it. It is a thorough process and, for many, a form of meditation. Use programs like Aseprite or Photoshop is the standard for artists in this field, where each pixel can be manipulated individually.

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Limitation, as incredible as it may seem, is one of the greatest strengths of pixel art. Because, unlike 3D graphics, where you can model and sculpt characters, in pixel art, you are working with minute details and need to be creative to bring a character to life with very few pixels. Remember the Mario? He's a guy with a mustache and a red cap, with few pixels, but look at the cultural impact he had. To this day, many people recognize the character just by seeing some basic colors and shapes.

Comparison to other digital art styles

Compared to more modern styles like graphics low poly or vector artpixel art has a particular charm. Low poly, used to create games with simplified 3D graphics, also focuses on simplicity, but in a different way. While pixel art deals with the two-dimensional, low poly navigates the 3D, using basic geometric shapes and minimal textures. Vector art, on the other hand, allows infinite scalability without loss of resolution, which is completely opposite to the pixelated and “boxy” nature of pixel art.

Still, it’s this “rawness” of pixel art that makes it so appealing. You know you're playing something that doesn't try to be realistic, but that nonetheless engages you in a way that many advanced graphics don't. Games like Dead Cellswith their pixel art aesthetic, manage to mix modern and retro in a fluid way, showing that it doesn't matter how many pixels you have, it's what you do with them.

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Pixel Art: A return to basics, but with innovation

Although the style has its roots in the early days of video games, modern developers continue to innovate the use of pixel art. An example of this is the game Hyper Light Drifterwhich combines pixelated graphics with fluid animations and advanced lighting effects. This proves that pixel art is not limited to what has already been done, but continues to evolve alongside technology.

Another point to highlight is how pixel art has become an economical choice for many indie developers. Creating a game with state-of-the-art graphics is expensive and time-consuming, but pixel art, in addition to being affordable, still allows small studios to focus on quality game mechanics and storytelling. And of course, this aesthetic choice often results in a more unique and memorable visual style.

Why is pixel art still relevant?

So why, in 2024, are we still fascinated by pixel art? Simple: it's a style that carries history, nostalgia and creativity at each pixel. He is living proof that less can be more, and that limitations can often generate the greatest innovations.

As the world of video games continues to advance with more realistic and immersive graphics, pixel art remains strong as a reminder of where it all began and how simplicity can be as (or even more) impactful as complexity.

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And don't forget: while many AAA games impress with their visuals, pixel art they will continue to impress with their heart and creativity.

What is Pixel Art? The retro style continues to win over fans

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What is Pixel Art? The retro style continues to win over fans

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