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What to do when the routine settles into a couple?
When you are in a couple, it is normal that the routine is installed! Indeed, it represents habits and benchmarks that will help us to create a balance of life. It starts to be a problem when you get bored and the time seems to get longer and longer. No more butterflies in the belly and the heart beating, because tonight it’s: Netflix! Reassuring convenience, but freaking, because we end up living like old people when we are barely in our thirties. However, it is relatively simple to break the ambient monotony to turn it into a discovery! So, what to do when the routine settles in a couple? Follow the guide!\
1. When the routine settles in a couple, it is necessary to talk, communicate
You have to be able to talk about the situation so that you can change and evolve. If your pleasure of the week is to do the shopping on Saturday at Carrefour and watch M6 in the evening: there is a concern! But the fundamental question is: do you want to change the situation? If you both really like eating soup on Mondays and having lunch at grandma’s house on Sundays: OK, I validate!
Change must happen if, and only if, you both suffer from it! In this case, you take the time to settle down and talk about it. How do we get out of our monotony? What do you propose? Does your partner want to change as well? Do not forget that a couple are two distinct people who must manage to evolve together. It is necessary to be able to listen to the other to find new avenues of exploration. Share your feelings and frustrations to change them into a new life challenge. Communicating well as a couple is then essential for this first step!
2.Get out of your comfort zone when the routine settles in a couple
Be careful, because changing a monotony into a stumbling life: it requires effort. And like, the fact of getting out of your comfort zone seems difficult: you will have to motivate each other. Because you will probably tell yourself that this is not the right time, that we will talk about it this weekend or after the holidays ….. No! the change is now. You need to put your couple back at the center of priorities. The mistake is to think that your love is acquired and that you should not do anything. The couple must have an important place in your life, because they must grow, change, flourish and bring you desire and energy.
Start wondering what you’re going to be able to do next weekend? What can you change? What have you never done together? You will quickly find ideas and avenues that are just waiting to be explored. You can also watch our 10 tips to break the routine in your couple.
3.Set up an action plan to prevent the routine from settling in a couple
I will give you different avenues to explore in order to break the infernal cycle of monotony.
Miss yourself (What to do when the routine settles into a couple?)
Get into the habit of doing activities each on your own: sports, outings, conferences…. The concern of monotony is that we have nothing more to say to each other. Practicing activities on your side will give you food for discussion. And the icing on the cake: you will have missed your love! The desire to see him again will be predominant and you will find the passion of your beginnings.
Get out of your home to conquer uncharted territory. No longer remain cloistered for hours in front of the television to comatize in front of “love is in the meadow.”
- Go to the restaurant: I’m not talking about mc Do downstairs but about a real restaurant! You will take the time to choose it in order to have a great evening.
- Visiting museums: excellent activity to do on Sundays after lunch at the grandmother’s house.
- Traveling as a lover: getting out of your little world to discover other cultures and areas ways of thinking. You will come out of it grown and filled with new emotions and sensations.
What to do when the routine settles into a couple?
- Making gifts: when was the last time you gave a gift outside of birthdays or Christmas? Innovate! Offer a rose, gift voucher or reservation on a houseboat….
- Create daily attentions: the post-it on a mirror, a candlelit dinner… it is every day that love must be created and recreated to carry you all eternity. So don’t forget to offer him daily proofs of love!
- Apply the rule of 222 in Love to maintain the flame in your couple and make it last as long as possible!
Monotony is the habit of always doing the same things. It is an annoyance that settles slowly but surely in our daily lives. We end up experiencing misunderstandings and we become hard of hearing. To regain sight and hearing, you have to get out of your home and share new experiences with two of you.
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nice artile, keep it up