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When can I move in as a couple
Before discussing the neighborhood of the apartment or the color of the walls, it is necessary to ask the question. When can we settle down as a couple? To be sure of being able to live alongside the other without having a home where to take refuge when needed? I cannot give you a precise answer since each couple evolves at their own pace. That said, here is a little help to help you see more clearly.
Know each other well ( When can I move in as a couple )
You should certainly know that a couple goes through several stages, including that of seduction, then taming … Speeding up these steps is not always a good idea. I think you have to be sure that you are done with taming before you move in. You have to be done with this little bubble that gives you the impression that the other is perfect, you have to see its little flaws.
For example, a hyper bordelic man will always make an effort at the beginning of the relationship so that you do not see his interior in a deplorable state (even if sometimes his efforts are average, or that he still feels obliged to specify that the order is not his dada). One day, sir will take you back unexpectedly and you will see the place in which he lives daily, when you are not there.
The glamour around the living place of your bordelic boyfriend will disappear but what does it matter, since you get to know said boyfriend even more deeply. ( When can I move in as a couple )
However, if from the first appointment you discover that this Ryan Gosling lookalike (you can replace Ryan Gosling with any name) lives in a garbage dump, it is very likely that part of you is a little disgusted and does not finally leave this chance to this gentleman who could have been your husband, then the father of baby Emma , then the grandfather of baby Thomas.
It is therefore necessary to know the small defects not always very annoying but not really glamorous of your companion.
Breaking the loneliness of everyday life? ( When can I move in as a couple )
Know that living as a couple pushes us to bring the best of ourselves, bordelic buddy will be able to make some efforts (be careful eh, he will not become a storage maniac either), living as a couple is a perfect stimulant.
Be careful, however, not to break the steps to obtain precisely this stimulus: you must live as a couple not because your love is the “most fusional in the world” or because you need to fill your loneliness but because you are close enough and have already broken enough taboos and kills love between you.
Do not take your boyfriend as a roommate who came to break your loneliness of everyday life, if this reason seems too present, rather share your apartment in classic roommate (as for the budgetary argument of a move, as much to tell you that it is to be banned!).
And precisely, colocation, is it a good idea? ( When can I move in as a couple )
You may have heard of those couples who choose to join a large roommate before building their small nest for two. Generally, this solution allows them a gradual passage that seems rather intelligent to me – provided they like to be surrounded permanently since intimacy is no longer so much in order!
In short, living as a couple is not done overnight,you spend more and more time with one, with the other, then as your apartment is more comfortable, he leaves some business … Until the day when you will feel ready to take the step of a common accommodation. Above all, take your time,even if at the beginning of a relationship we always like to be with the other: with a little luck, you will still have all the life to rub shoulders with him, this boy!
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