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I love you for the first time
The first time someone is told “I love you” is probably one of the most important moments of your life. And for sure, it can put pressure on a lot of things! These three little words are able to change the lives of two people for the rest of their lives, so there is no question of missing everything!
We want everything to be perfect, and do everything well so that this moment is unforgettable and without a hitch. So, when to say I love you for the first time?
In public or in private? (I love you for the first time)
It goes without saying that your declaration will have to be made at an appropriate time. So schedule the moment so that everything goes as smoothly as possible! However, this includes being comfortable! Whether his answer is positive or negative, there is nothing more unpleasant for you and for him/her to feel embarrassed in the presence of other people! But on the contrary, you might feel comfort in being in a public place.
It’s up to you to see the best solution!
If you are in a private place, and you are quiet, keep a calm tone when you announce it. Or, choose to whisper it in his ear, which is a great opportunity to cause pretty chills. (I love you for the first time)
If you feel better to tell him while you are in a public place, know that for some, it can be extremely romantic, but others might feel denigrated, or have the impression that the moment loses its magic as soon as it is not lived in private…
Anyway ask yourself the question of whether or not, your interlocutor will appreciate the framework. Because you wouldn’t want to make him/her uncomfortable.
Where and when? (I love you for the first time)
Whether in private or in public, the choice of place is essential! Of course, the choice of the place will not affect the feelings of your interlocutor, but it can allow you to deliver your message in the best possible conditions. So to capture the best possible atmosphere, here are some suggestions for your statement:
• Choose a place that has special meaning for both of you. Whether it’s the place of your first date, that of your first kiss or simply a memorable outing! This place in question does not necessarily have to be ultra-romantic! It will fit perfectly as long as it really evokes something for both of you.
Choose a romantic place. Say it in a nice restaurant with a subdued atmosphere, or even a rose garden for the most romantic of you!
• Tell him while you walk. Go for a leisurely walk together in a pretty park. Then, as soon as you feel it, stop, turn to him/her, and tell him! (I love you for the first time)
Tell him while you are on vacation together. This is often the perfect opportunity, since you are not in the stress of everyday life, and you can spend many special moments together.
The moment is just as important as the place! Timing is certainly not everything, but to declare your flame to your interlocutor, you want to be sure to have his full attention! Some moments will help him to be more receptive to what you are going to tell him than others. Here are some tips on when to say “I love you”:
Choose a time when you are both in a good mood and de-stressed. (I love you for the first time)
• Do not declare your love to him in times of stress or exams, otherwise he will be deconcentrated when he needs all his faculties!
• Favor the evening, everything takes a much more romantic turn in the semi-darkness!
• Tell them at the time you think is most appropriate for you as well, not just the time you think is most appropriate for your interlocutor.
Wait for a special occasion or provoke it?
You have decided to say “I love you”, but do not have in mind a specific place or a specific time to do it? It doesn’t matter! Stay attentive to the appearance of privileged and ideal moments. No doubt an opportunity will soon present itself if you are on the lookout!
This could be done during a beautiful sunset after you’ve had a great day together. Or when you hear your song in the evening. Or simply after a good slice of delusions and laughs, when you are simply happy to be together. (I love you for the first time)
If you are a great romantic at heart, the moment chosen can be grandiose and heavy with meaning, but if you like to do in simplicity, nothing prevents you from doing it when you feel inspired, without any staging, just your heart laid bare. And believe me, that will be enough.
And above all, above all, say it when your heart blows you to say it! There’s no point in waiting for the other person to tell you first. Sometimes these two words come out all at once, without you having chosen it, as your heart can no longer keep them just for itself.