With winter approaching, eyes may be more vulnerable to eye allergies.
Winter contributes to the emergence of several health problems, among them are ocular allergies, which affect about 20% of the population, according to the Brazilian Council of Ophthalmology (CBO). The cold, low humidity, dust and high levels of pollutants in the air are factors that can trigger allergic reactions.
The main allergic symptoms are: feeling of sand in the eyes, redness, itching, irritation, tearing, swelling and sensitivity to light. To explain and clarify some doubts about the dreaded eye allergies, this week’s Momento Saber features the participation of the ophthalmologist from Sesc Saúde Visão, Daniella Limongi.
The ophthalmologist explains that allergies happen because in winter we have low humidity and high levels of pollutants in the air. “In the coldest season of the year, where the climate is drier, we have a higher prevalence of allergic diseases. This happens because the aqueous layer of the tear film tends to evaporate faster”, he adds.
According to the professional, due to the climate, the ocular region of the conjunctiva is more prone to allergic diseases due to low lubrication. “At that time, the eyes are more irritated, and our body has a greater difficulty fighting these pollutants and producing tears. Which can lead to allergic conjunctivitis or dry eye syndrome,” she explains.
It is important to stay alert with the appearance of the first symptoms. Daniella Limongi advises that it is possible to do the first procedures at home. “Wash your eyes with saline solution, this serum should be kept in the refrigerator. This washing, known as mechanical washing, cleans the impurities that irritated the eyes. If symptoms persist, it is important to seek ophthalmological care.
The treatment of eye allergy is simple, just remove the substance that produced the allergic reaction and wash the eye area. If it is necessary to seek medical evaluation and guidance, treatment is done, in most cases, with the use of eye drops. “When the patient arrives at the office with symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, it is common to advise the use of antiallergic. The rest of the treatment is topical, with eye drops. It is rarely necessary to use any other oral medication”, explains Daniella.
It is important to emphasize that it is not advised to use eye drops indiscriminately. To use any medication, including eye drops, medical evaluation and prescription is required.
Conjunctivitis X Dry eye syndrome
Although many people still have doubts, there are differences in the symptoms of conjunctivitis and dry eye syndrome. The Sesc ophthalmologist clarifies that the symptoms of dry eye are more superficial. “The eye will be red, like sand, but it won’t be swollen. Dry eye syndrome does not leave the eyelids with edema, with difficulty opening and intense pain”, she advises.
Now, if you have the symptoms listed above, such as swelling, pain/burning and excess secretions, you need extra care, as these are the symptoms of conjunctivitis. The professional clarifies that allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious. “Allergies are not transmissible. So, if you have symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, for whatever reason, you will not pass it on.”
prevention tips
- Avoid excessive use of air conditioning and fans, as wind can make your eyes drier.
- Avoid excessive brightness from screens and electronic devices.
- Don’t scratch your eyes.
- Use of eye lubricants/artificial tear.
- In case of contact with something that may cause an allergic reaction, clean the area with saline solution, but be careful with excess.
Momento Sesc Saber is an initiative of the Fecomércio System, Sesc and Senac, whose president is Marcelo Baiocchi. The System is part of the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC), chaired by José Roberto Tadros.
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With winter approaching, eyes may be more vulnerable to eye allergies.
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