Women will now have voluntary enlistment in the Military Service
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President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva decreed this Wednesday (28) the voluntary enlistment of women in the Military Service (Army, Navy and Air Force) for the first time in history. The decision was published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU). Unlike men, who must report to a military unit upon turning 18, only women who wish to enlist must do so.
Also this Wednesday, there will be an event attended by the president of the republic and the defense minister José Múcio Monteiro, who will announce the government's decision.
Women in Military Service (Photo: reproduction/Jovem Pan)
Before the decree, only women with non-commissioned officer and officer training courses could join the Armed Forces. Now, interested women must volunteer between January and June of the year in which they turn 18. Initially, 1,500 vacancies will be offered and recruitment will begin in 2025.
After voluntary enlistment, interested parties will go through a selection process that will follow criteria defined by the Armed Forces. One of these stages will involve a health inspection, consisting of clinical and laboratory tests that certify that the enlisted woman has no limitations. There will also be physical, cultural, psychological and moral evaluations. The initial period of military service will be 12 months, and may be extended according to the criteria of the Armed Forces.
Women's careers
Women who are incorporated will begin to perform mandatory military service and will be subject to the rights, duties and penalties of the career. They will not acquire stability in military service and will become part of the unpaid reserve of the Armed Forces after being released from active service.
Currently, 37,000 women are part of the Armed Forces, which corresponds to 10% of the total number of personnel. According to the decree, the action allows the Armed Forces to increase diversity in their ranks, recognizing the capabilities and contributions that women can offer in military contexts.
Featured Photo: Women in Military Service (Reproduction/Gazeta de Varginha)
Women will now have voluntary enlistment in the Military Service
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Women will now have voluntary enlistment in the Military Service